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Theo finished feeding Harry and himself, allowing George to take Harry once Harry was done eating. Harry rather liked the two red heads and happily sat in their laps. "I wonder if he doesn't instinctively know who's good at heart." Blaise mused.

"I'm sure his magic recognizes ours... We spent a lot of time with him during the times when his magic would spazz out." George spoke, letting Fred take Harry.

"That would make sense... And Blaise and Theo were the closest when he de-aged." Draco went along with the train of thought. "Plus Theo's just good with him. It's cute."

"Shush... I just know how he feels..." Theo was watching Harry like a hawk.

"He's told us.... About those muggles who raised him... Nasty lot..." George frowned.

"Let's go to Harry's new apartments." Theo led the way, pulling a piece of parchment from his pocket and saying the password quietly to the painting. Fred moved Harry from his shoulders and carried him in so he wouldn't hit his head.

"Huh. Looks like Snape got it set up for a child with his parents." Blaise noted before taking Harry from Fred because Harry looked sleepy.

"Let's lay you down for a nap." Theo smiled before Blaise went and laid down with Harry in the bedroom. The door shut softly and the lights were darkened.

"Sleep now, baby." Blaise murmured, elegant fingers gently carding through Harry's hair and holding him securely. "Papa's here."

"Nigh nigh." Harry mumbled, closing his eyes and burying his face against Blaise. Blaise hummed under his breath as Harry slept.

~Out in the living room~

Theo sat down, Draco near him. "We have to keep Umbridge away from Harry... Who knows what she'll do." Draco spoke.

"It's pretty certain that she would try and use him for the Ministry agenda." Fred agreed.

"We can't let that happen... We can't let Dumblefuck get his hands on Harry either." George nodded, scowling.

"I thought the Weasleys love Dumbles?" Draco raised a perfect eyebrow.

"Gred and I... Are not pleased with the dearest headmaster... He knew how Harry was being treated and told him he was exaggerating... But we rescued him from that place... Bars on the window... A cat flap to deliver food and water... Multiple locks on his bedroom door on the outside." George looked sad.

"What! That's horrible!" Theo surged up, Draco pulling him back into his seat. "That's child abuse and neglect! And they've given him those scars he has even as a child."

"They're the worst sort of muggle... One time when we picked Harry up for the World Cup, we 'accidentally' dropped a Ton Tongue Toffee and his fat cousin ate it." Fred snickered.

"Dad said it was like three feet long before the muggles would let him shrink it." George added with a dark sort of glee in his eyes.

"That's vicious... Are you sure you're Weasleys?" Draco snorted.

"When it comes to our little brother... We don't take kindly to him being treated harshly." George and Fred spoke simultaneously with nearly identical scowls.

"You two are scary... Remind me not to get on your bad side... But this will be useful... It'll keep Dumbles from taking Harry if it gets out to the Wizengamot..." Draco mused.

"We'll have to act fast... So we can get Black exonerated so Harry doesn't have to go back." Blaise had come out at some point, leaving the door cracked to be able to hear Harry.

"Peter Pettigrew is at my manor... I could have an elf take him to the ministry." Draco nodded. "And my Aunt's husband."

"Your Aunt's husband?" Greg rubbed the back of his neck.

"He likes to... Practice the cruciatus... On me." Draco shrugged. "Father can't really say anything about it."

"Dammit Draco... You need to tell someone..." Blaise glared. They were all startled as a thump was heard from the bedroom and Theo was the first in there.

"Harry? Baby, what happened?" Theo quickly knelt next to the small, teary Potter.

"Fell!" Harry sniffled, trying not to cry in fear of being punished.

"Aw, love... Mummy's here." Theo scooped Harry up and held him tightly. Theo was loving being able to give Harry the love and affection he never got. "Where does it hurt?" He watched Harry touch his back and head. "Aw... Let's get Papa to fix you up."

"Let me see, Harry." Blaise winced at the red mark on Harry's back and rubbed some bruise salve on his back before giving Harry a smaller dose of a pain potion. "I know. It's gross. But it'll make you feel better."


"What are we going to do? I don't think it's safe to take him with us. And he doesn't want to be left alone." Theo and Blaise were having a discussion.

"George and Fred have free hours some time today." Blaise rubbed the back of his neck, Harry sleeping in his lap.

"I have third period free." Theo looked worried as they discussed.

"Theo. Blaise... I'm taking Harry to Black for the day." Snape entered the apartments.

"What? He's going to freak out!" Blaise narrowed his eyes.

"I think he'll be okay. Don't worry, Blaise." Theo rubbed Blaise's shoulder, leaning over and kissing Blaise's cheek and watching the tension leave him.

"This way you don't have to worry over who's watching him." Snape sat on the couch and looked at the two.

"He's going to be scared if he wakes up without us." Blaise sighed and gently shook Harry. "Wake up, love."

"Papaaaa?" Harry's eyes slowly cracked open and he yawned, cuddling more into Blaise who smiled down at him.

"Grandpa Severus is here." Theo spoke up, reaching over and holding Harry's hand. "He's gonna take you to meet someone very important."

"Who?" Harry looked confused, pulling on Theo's hand until the Slytherin scooped him up and held him gently.

"Grandpa Sirius. He's a nice guy." Blaise didn't know for sure but he's trying to be reassuring.

"Sirius will take care of you while your mummy and papa are learning." Severus leaned forward, resting his elbows on his thighs.

"Oh..." Harry frowned slightly, cuddling into Theo and then nodding. "Otay, Grampa!"

Theo packed a bag for Severus to bring with to Sirius' and gave him a list of things for Harry's wellbeing. Blaise and Theo watched Severus leave their apartment and sighed.

"I miss him already." Theo pouted slightly.

"I know. I do too... He's wormed his way into my heart." Blaise agreed.

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