Make Them Hear You

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Sirius was sitting in front of a reporter with a packet of papers. "I don't want a quick notes quill used, you will put what I say and no twisting my words or I'll sue your robes off you." He smiled charmingly.

"Yes, Lord Black." The reporter looked a bit put out but didn't argue, knowing this story could make his bank vault quite full.

"I am Lord Sirius Orion Black. I was falsely imprisioned for the betrayal of Lord James Potter and Lady Lily Potter. I was denied my right to a trial and accused of murder. Meanwhile the real murderer faked his own death and hid for twelve years as a pet." Sirius stated bluntly, keeping eye contact.

"Who denied your right to a trial?" The reporter leaned forward, looking curious.

"The now deceased Barty Crouch Senior." The Lord spoke, crossing his arms. "He threw me right in prison without a trial."

"What??" The young reporter gaped at him. "You could take his entire estate as compensation."

"There will be a court hearing about what will happen in regards to compensation. A few reporters will be invited. I can swing it to you if you do this interview right." Sirius wanted to help this young wizard out.

"Yes, Lord Black!" Jameson Smythe nodded quickly, grinning. "I'll do it exactly as you say."

"Good." Sirius smiled.

~Four hours later~

Sirius left with the promise of his story being on the front page and headed to a baby store in Diagon Alley. He picked up some new stuffed animals for Harry and some smart little shoes, comparing the size to a pair of Harry's he had with for this purpose. He knew there were photos being taken and whispering had broken out but he ignored them, continuing to shop for his precious Harry. He ended up with ten stuffed animals, six pairs of shoes, a few cute pajama sets and some little hats he knew Harry would love.

"Will that be all, Lord Black?" The clerk asked, ringing him up and putting the items in a magic bag.

"Yes, it will. Have a nice day." Sirius paid for the items, took his bag and left. He went to a designated apparation point and vanished, appearing on the front steps and went in. "Harry! Remus! I'm home!"

"Paddy! Paddy!" Harry's small voice was heard chanting, little footsteps ringing out as Harry scampered to his Paddy from the living room.

"Hello, Sweetheart. I'm home now." Sirius scooped Harry up, smiling at him with the package shrunk in his pocket. Sirius carried his toddler back to the living room where Remus waited. "Hey, Love. How's he been?"

"He's been helping me fold his blankets and putting his toys away." Remus waved his wand, sending the blankets to Harry's nursery.

"Harry a good boy, Paddy!" Harry nuzzled his face into Sirius's neck, curling up as much as he could.

"Yes, you are. Paddy and Moomy's good boy." Sirius sat on a chair, letting Harry burrow into him and humming softly. "Did you have your nap yet?"

Harry shook his head, a frown on his lips. "No nap for Harry!"

"Yes nap for Harry. Harry is a small boy who needs lots of sleep." Sirius patted Harry's back and started rocking him in his arms, not letting Harry go even as the boy worked himself into a tantrum from being overtired. His shrieks turned to wails within minutes as Harry cried, struggling in Sirius's arms until he realized that he wasn't going to be put down. That was the point he went limp and just sobbed himself to sleep. "What was that all about?"

"He's been having that more often with his naps now. He really does not want to take naps but he needs them. Maybe he needs to be disciplined more. Told no and set in a corner for a time out?" Remus wasn't sure. "He can't be kicking and screaming."

"We should ask Andy. She raised Nymphadora." Sirius shifted Harry, patting his pullup clad bottom until the little boy settled back to a calm sleep. "Think I can safely put him to bed?"

"I wouldn't risk it yet. Give it ten minutes." Remus shook his head. "How was the interview?"

"It went excellent. Oh. I got Harry some stuff." Sirius carefully tossed the small box to Remus who unshrunk it and looked at what was in it.

"Oh that's adorable." Remus smiled at the pajamas that had a forest theme. "He'll love these."

"I hope so. I got him some new shoes too. I was thinking we could take him out in public soon, Fudge signed him over to my custody as per my right as his Godfather. We could tell them that his magic acted out due to circumstances out of control too. After all, a child's magic often acts out if they're under extreme stress and don't have a family member to ground their magic." Sirius stood carefully and carried Harry to the nursery, tucking his worn out stuffed dog into Harry's arms before returning downstairs.

"The media would have a field day... And would crucify Dumbledore for not reporting one of his students missing. Because Harry hasn't been there in a long while." Remus grinned, teeth glinting as his eyes took on a gold sheen. "It would keep him from trying to fight us for Pup."

"Yes, Harry is all yours. Dumbledore can't touch him. I promise." Sirius sat in Remus's lap and curled into him, nuzzling the werewolf's neck.

"Good." Remus's eyes returned to their forest green color and he held Sirius tightly, kissing his lover and tugging the inky black locks before pulling his mouth away. "You're so gorgeous, Sirius."

"Ah, Rem. Thank you." Sirius chased the werewolf's lips again and kissed him, letting Remus control their kiss. The two proceeded to defile the couch, Sirius bottoming for Remus. They enjoyed their free time thoroughly, their stress simply melting off of them and helping them to relax.

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