Weirder and Wonderment

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(November 4th)
Harry was standing on Sirius's thighs, dancing as Sirius held him up. "Go, Bambi!" The black haired man laughed, encouraging the tiny boy to keep dancing. "You got better moves than Moomy for sure."

"Oi!" Remus laughed, watching Harry and taking wizarding photos. "He dances better than you too."

"I don't even know why you two discuss this. You're both terrible dancers." Regulus teased. "You'd think with all the lessons you had as a kid, you'd be able to dance better."

"I can dance!" Sirius pouted, kissing Harry's cheek as the small boy stopped bouncing and hugged his Paddy around the neck. "Right, baby?"

"Uh huh, Paddy!" Harry agreed, snuggling into Sirius and reaching for the sippy cup on the table. "Drink please?"

"Of course, Bambi." Sirius grabbed the sippy cup and handed it to Harry who sipped the juice from it. "Is it good?"

"Mhm!" Harry grinned, dribbling some juice down his chin and wiping his face on Sirius' shirt. Sirius hadn't noticed though, too busy staring at Remus.

"Rem.. What are you doing?" Sirius was puzzled, squinting at what his lover was doing.

"Something." Remus put it away and smiled at Harry before snorting. "Siri... You have juice on your shirt." He scooped up Harry and disappeared off into another room, going and changing the small child's diaper. "There. All clean, baby."

"Thank you!" Harry blushed, clutching Remus' shirt in his small hands. He ended up with a pacifier before he could even ask for one, Remus gently poking it into his mouth.

"My good boy." Remus stroked the messy black hair of the baby before taking him upstairs for a nap. It was about 11 am, nap time for Harry. He tucked his sweet boy into his and Sirius' bed, singing him softly to sleep before going downstairs to his other family.

Sirius was eating toast, smiling to himself while discussing how the case is going. Amelia had sent several letters to Andromeda regarding her investigation into the case of Sirius's freedom. All was looking well and Sirius was going to be getting a fair trial if all went well. Pettigrew and Rudolphus had been delivered to the Ministry via Dobby the House Elf who was all too happy to help do his part to free Dog Master.

Regulus looked undignified as he snorted at the thought of Fudge being threatened by an angry Amelia Bones. He had a smudge of jam on his cheek from his toast that he hadn't noticed yet.

~A week later, nothing happens that's super important~ (November 11th)

A certain red haired man had just come through the floo, brushing soot off. "Hey Sirius." William Weasley grinned, greeting Sirius and then turned to Regulus who yet again had jam on his face. It was a common occurrence for the formerly deceased man. "Hello Regulus." He leaned down and wet a napkin before wiping the jam from Regulus' face. "Sorry. Had a bit of jam there." Bill wandered over and grabbed a few slices of toast.

"Thank you so much for doing this." Sirius was smoothing his hair down and looking anxious.

"Charlie will be here momentarily too. We're gonna fine with Harry." Bill knew Sirius was worried. "Your trial will go fine."

"Here's a list of everything he needs. Where everything is, what time he eats, where he hides when he's upset." Regulus rattled off, having to go with to get himself recounted among the living. The three men would be gone for up to 5 days, Remus going away for the week so he could testify.

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