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~Early next Morning~

Harry was not the same age he had been as when he went to bed, he was now a two year old. Theo woke up when he felt his bed growing rather damp and discovered the tiny child in his bed who was no bigger than a 1 1/2 year old due to malnutrition. "Oh Morgana." Was Theo's reaction as Harry stared up at him with big, watery green eyes.

"I Sorry! Not mean to!" Harry was trembling violently, wondering if this boy was going to beat him like Uncle Vernon did when he had an accident.

"Shh. I know. I know." Theo could immediately tell Harry did not have a good home life just like he didn't. "Let's clean you up." He soothed him as best he could. He used a cleaning spell on the sheets and carried Harry into the bathroom with him, grabbing two large towels and his favorite bath sets.

"Theo?" Blaise's sleepy voice drifted into the room as he entered. His eyes zeroed in on the child who clung tighter to Theo's neck. "Who is that?"

"It's Harry. Harry Potter...." Theo held Harry with one arm and turned the tap on in the large bathtub, adding the special body oil that relaxes the user.

"Oh..." Blaise went and peed in the toilet before heading back to bed because it was still early on a Saturday. He wasn't awake enough to truly process what had happened.

"Do you want to bathe together?" Theo gently set Harry down and helped him out of the very over large shirt. He knew it was important to ask for consent.

"Mhm!" Harry was quick to attach himself to the first person who had been kind to him. Theo undressed and got into the tub, setting Harry gently in his lap before summoning a cup and using it to wet Harry's hair.

"I'm going to wash your hair now, okay?" Theo didn't want Harry to be unhappy, gently massaging the shampoo into the tiny Potter's hair. He rinsed it carefully, making sure none got in Harry's eyes unlike Petunia who didn't care really. They soaked for a bit and Theo drained the tub once he heard someone moving in the bedroom area. "Let's get out now. Time to meet everyone." He wasn't sure what he'd do for clothes for Harry but stood up, wrapped Harry in a towel and wrapped one around his own waist.

~Thirty minutes later~

Everyone in their dorm room was staring at Theo who held the still towel wrapped child in his lap protectively. "So... That's Harry? Harry Potter." Draco was still trying to connect the boy he knew to this tiny child.

"Yes... Theo's said that." Blaise wasn't even phased, sitting next to Theo and Harry. He was good with dealing with the unexpected.

"Harry Potter?" Vince was kind of slow at times. His dull eyes squinted at the small child.

"Duh, Vince!" Greg finally just accepted it and elbowed his best friend in the ribs.

"We need Uncle Severus." Draco decided after a minute of silence among them.

"We need clothes for him first..." Theo held Harry tighter, feeling the little body shiver in the towel.

"Chia!" Blaise called for his personal house elf who appeared. "I need clothes that will fit that baby." He pointed at Harry, knowing Harry was at least one and at most two.

"Yes, sir!" Chia disappeared for a bit and reappeared with cloth diapers and several gown type things plus little pairs of pants, shirts, shoes and socks. The house elf deposited the items on Theo's bed and reached her hands for the child. "Chia be dressing the baby."

"We can handle it, Chia. We'll call on you if we need you." Blaise saw how Harry shrunk away from the creature. Chia nodded and disApparated back to Zabini Manor. Blaise studied the diaper, shut the curtains on Theo's bed and used his wand for light while Theo dressed Harry.

"This doesn't look right." Theo stared at the diaper, wondering how he messed up that bad.

"Let me try." Blaise tried and face palmed. "Harry, love? Can we please have Chia dress you?" He smiled softly when Harry nodded, summoning his elf who had Harry's diaper on correctly and the tiny boy dressed warmly.

"Young Master be taking care of baby!" Chia shook her finger at Blaise and left.

"You just got told by your elf." Theo giggled. "Harry, I'm going to get dressed. Papa is going to hold you." He automatically referred to Blaise as that because Blaise has an unexpected fatherly side.

"Papa?" Blaise snorted quietly, taking Harry into his arms. "Guess that makes you Mummy."

"Mummy." Harry laughed because Blaise was laughing, cuddling into the dark skinned boy.

"See! Harry called you mummy. Therefore, you are mummy." Blaise was grinning at Theo.

"Are you two done celebrating your marriage and birth of your child yet?" Draco had heard the decision of Blaise being Papa and Theo being Mummy.

"Yes, Grandpa." Blaise snorted, opening the curtains once Theo finished dressing.

"Oi! Not grandpa. I'm the sexy uncle." Draco laughed quietly. "I'm going to get Uncle Severus." Draco exited the room, going to Severus' private chambers but Umbridge stopped him.

"Here again, Mr. Malfoy? Surely Professor Snape is a busy man who doesn't need to be interrupted." Umbridge smiled nastily.

"Yeah well one of his students needs him. So." Draco moved around her, knocking and then entering Snape's chambers. "Uncle!"

"What is it? Has something happened?" Severus looked up from his journal.

"You need to come see this yourself. Watch out for Umbridge though." Draco warned. "You're going to be quite... Shocked. To say the least."

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