Peace and Painting

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(Bill x Regulus? What are your opinions?)

"Why do I smell paint?" Blaise didn't even open his eyes, mentally bracing himself for what he will see when he does.

"No clue." Theo was still curled up next to Blaise, wearing the taller boy's shirt and some silk boxers he was pretty sure were Blaise's also. He had been so tired when he had gotten ready for bed, having been up late studying.

"Let's go see." Blaise opened his eyes and sat up slowly, using the blanket as a shield and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place but he still felt suspicious as he slowly rose to his feet. Theo followed equally slow, hiding behind Blaise with his wand held tightly.

The two discovered what the scent of paint was as they stepped in it in a seemingly normal spot on their living room floor. "Ah! Cold!" Theo then slipped, taking both Blaise and himself out in a glorious slow fall. Theo's eyes were huge, filled with horror as they crashed onto the paint covered floor that seemed to cover their bodies except their heads. To add insult to injury, feathers coated them soon after and they heard two high pitched hyena like sets of laughter coming from the coat closet.

"Fred! George! Get out here!" Blaise stood, pulling Theo up with him as the twin red heads emerged from the closet.

"POINT GRYFFINDOR." The twins chimed, smirking at the other two. Theo ended up giggling, staring at Blaise's befuddled expressions and the twins' childishly excited ones.

"You two are insane." Blaise carried Theo off so they could bathe. "This better be cleaned up when we get back, you weirdos."

"Aye aye, Captain!" They chimed, saluting him as he and Theo disappeared into their bedroom which had a connected bathroom.


Draco was just waking up, feeling warmer than usual and his nose scrunched up slightly until he opened his silver eyes. He had Neville in his bed, the two having fallen asleep after talking for hours. "No." Neville mumbled sleepily, cuddling in more as Draco moved.

"Yes." Draco was amused, stroking the blonde hair of his betrothed. "We need to get up at some point."

"Draco?!" Neville fell off the bed, having just processed that he wasn't alone.

"Are you okay?" Draco dragged Neville back up and started checking him for wounds from the short fall.

"I'm fine." Neville blushed, looking down at the blankets.

"Good. I wanted to be able to give you my next courting gift without you being concussed." Draco joked, pressing his colder lips to Neville's temple gently. He watched the other boy's blush darken and spread at the intimate contact. Draco rose on long, elegant legs and went to his dresser. He came back with a medium sized package and sat next to Neville once more.

"Ah. You know you don't have to." Neville let himself be drawn into Draco's lap and the beautifully wrapped gift set in his lap.

"But I want to." Draco smiled, resting his chin on Neville's shoulder gently. "I hope you enjoy it." Only a slight hesitancy in his voice betrayed how nervous he was, a sign of how comfortable he was getting with Neville.

Neville carefully opened his gift as a camera nearby snapped a photo of Neville and himself as Neville got it open. His whole face lit up as he stared at a large cover of a rare book that contained herbology secrets dating back to the fifteenth century (the 1400s). "No way! Where did you find this!? This book only had like ten copies!"

"It's been in my family's vault for years. I knew you liked Herbology and well... I wanted to give it to you." Draco smiled softly, pleased that Neville had liked his gift.

"You are too sweet." Neville placed a chaste kiss on Draco's lips and then set the book next to him before getting up and heading to the bathroom. "I'll be right back." He shut the door.

"My heart is going to give out." Draco mumbled, touching his lips before sighing and picking out clothes for the day. He had gotten his own little apartment also and was pleased with it. He heard Neville singing in the shower and had to resist peeking in there to see him, choosing instead to pick out some clothing for Neville that the other boy had left for when he stays over.

Neville was basking in the scent of Draco's body wash on himself, knowing it would be a sign to any near him that he was taken by the Malfoy. He finished up his shower, getting out and rubbing himself dry with a fluffy towel. He came out with the towel around his hips. "Ah. I'm sorry."

"I'll go shower now." Draco took his clothes, kissed Neville's cheek and shut the door behind himself to give Neville privacy.

Neville dressed quickly, curling up on the bed and starting to read his new book quietly until Draco returned with clean clothes on and damp hair. "Hello, Draco."

"Hello." Draco sat down briefly, kissing his nose. "Ready to eat?"

"Yes. Let's go before someone thinks you've had your wicked way with me." Neville teased, closing the book and setting it on Draco's desk before the two left the rooms with intertwined fingers.

"My wicked way?" Draco snorted, leading their way to the Great Hall and they sat at the Gryffindor table that morning. They had been switching off and today they were greeted by Dean and Seamus. "Morning."

"Morning." The two chuckled, curled up together as Seamus ate and Dean drew.

"So. When you two getting engaged?" Neville asked knowingly.

"Nev!" Dean blushed, setting his pencil down. "Hush."

"Soon enough." Seamus responded, kissing Dean quickly before eating some toast. He was grinning to himself and winked at Neville and Draco.

"Oh you..." Dean swatted Seamus before biting a piece off of the other boy's toast.

"Hello, you four." Luna's airy voice came as the Ravenclaw seated herself next to Draco.

"You and Draco could be twins." Seamus laughed. "Nev's just a few shades too dark in the hair."

"They have white blonde hair. Neville has more golden toned hair." Dean spoke, sketching the trio quickly.

"Moooorning." Fred drawled, sitting with Hermione next to Dean and Seamus. Hermione was reading a book, her recently chopped hair resting just below her chin as Fred was holding her around the shoulders.

"Hi Mione, Fred." Neville was happy and hugged Hermione briefly.

"How are you guys doing?" Hermione marked her page with a bookmark like a civilized person and started to eat some eggs.

"Pretty good. Draco has given me the most wonderful gift." Neville was excited, squeezing his boyfriend's hand tightly.

"Only the best for you, Neville." Draco finished off what he was eating before answering.

"It's the most wonderful old book about herbology. Only ten copies were created." Neville was proud, finishing his banana filled oatmeal up until he had a large goblet of milk dumped over his head. He froze, looking like he would cry and Draco rose to his feet.

Draco looked like an enraged dragon, looking like he'd spit fire at the culprit or culprits. His gaze landed on a smirking group and he narrowed his eyes, teeth baring slightly as he wiped Neville's face with his silk handkerchief before striding over to the other table while flanked by Fred and Seamus.

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