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"What time is it?" Remus asked, looking at Regulus. He wasn't able to check his watch at the moment.

"About 1 pm." Regulus consulted his watch. He was actually enjoying the conversation with Remus.

"Harry should be waking up soon for food. And a diaper change." Remus smelled Harry's smelly bottom. "We're going to need the wipes."

"Gross..." Sirius made a face and then startled at the foul smell filling the room. "Oh god!"

"That is foul." Regulus cast a bubble head charm filled with clean air.

"Shh baby. Don't cry." Remus soothed as Harry woke up just before the werewolf was covered in vomit also.

"Paaaaddy!" Harry wanted Sirius, feeling yucky from both ends. He held his arms out to the long haired man.

"Hold on, Bambi." Sirius summoned the bag. He gingerly took Harry, ignoring the stench in favor of not upsetting the baby. He nearly threw up himself while cleaning Harry's bottom and leaving him in just a diaper because Theo and Blaise hadn't packed extra clothes.

"Yucky. Feel yucky." Harry's eyes were bright with fever.

"I know, Pup. Paddy's gonna have Reg call someone." Sirius rocked him. "Reg, Floo Andy and tell her Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Tell her it's an emergency and that you'll explain."

"Why not have Kreacher get her?" Regulus didn't wait for an answer before sending the elf who appeared with the light brown haired witch who stared at both her cousins, the vomit covered werewolf who hadn't moved yet, and finally at Harry right as he puked again.

"I expect answers right after." She swept over and used a diagnostic spell before opening her bag and gathering a child friendly fever reduction potion that will have to be given first.

"Open up, Bambi. Aunt Andy will give you something to help." Sirius smiled at Harry reassuringly and chuckled at the face Harry made while taking it.

Regulus had cleaned up the floor and Remus with a wave of his wand. "Better?"

"Thank you." Remus smiled at him before hovering over Harry. "Will he be okay?"

"His fever will come and go on and off tonight from what the spell told me. The potion I gave him will help keep it not quite so bad but I can't give him anything else until late tonight." Andromeda looked up. "I never dreamed you'd hide here."

"Me either..." Sirius snorted, feeling Harry's skin cool slightly.

"And you... How are you alive?" Andromeda cast the diagnostic spell on Regulus before tutting. "I'll give you nutrients potions. All three of you. Remus, I know it's because of your condition but these will help."

"Thank you, Andromeda." Remus didn't look up from his pup, heart breaking at the baby's miserable expression.

"Can I talk to one of you alone?" Andromeda looked at Sirius and Remus. Remus took the baby and Sirius went in the hall with Andromeda. "My spell also picked up on.... Disturbing things... Bones healed wrong, malnutrition, illnesses, no vaccines that most wizarding babies get at 1. I know the Potters couldn't do it but surely his guardians should've."

"His guardians are filthy magic hating muggles I'd like to feed to dementors." Sirius growled between his teeth after hearing what had been found. "I knew it was bad but not to what extent..."

"Why wasn't he placed with Remus?! Or some magical family??" Andromeda was horrified.

"Because Dumbledore manipulated it to get custody. I told Hagrid to give him to me. I wouldn't have gone after Pettigrew if I had gotten Harry." Sirius looked so angry.

"He's your godson. He should've been given to you." Andromeda got hit with a letter in the head that then flew into Sirius's hands.

"It's from Amelia Bones." He skimmed it and smirked. "She did some checking and found that I didn't get a trial and there's no evidence of my being guilty. She asks I submit some memories."

"I'll deliver them to her." Andromeda offered, pulling some unbreakable vials from her bag and Sirius took out very key memories before placing them carefully in thr vials. "I shall go at once." Kreacher took Andromeda directly to Amelia.

Sirius returned to the drawing room and gestured for Remus to follow him with Harry. "Let's make him a bottle and go lay down until Snape gets here." Sirius had eaten before checking on the voices earlier. 

"Sounds good." Remus nodded, carrying Harry with while Sirius made a bottle. Sirius smiled to himself before they headed upstairs. "Poor little guy..."

"I wonder what got him sick." Sirius opened the door for Remus to enter first, following close behind as Remus set Harry on the bed to undress himself.

"Guess we'll find out?" Remus finished undressed and laid down by the whining child. He moved Harry gently to lay near him. "There we go, pup."

"Here. Andy gave us something to help him sleep." Sirius handed Remus the bottle before undressing himself and laying. Remus started feeding Harry after getting him to take the little bottle of potion, humming under his breath.  The two curled around Harry, looking like a family.

~Three hours later~

Sirius awoke to Harry projectile vomiting into Remus' face. Remus sat up, coughing and not opening his eyes until Sirius used a cleaning charm on Remus, the bed, and Harry.

"You okay, Rem?" Sirius sounded amused, moving the trembling toddler into his lap while addressing the werewolf lover of his. "Harry, love. Shh." He pulled the blanket up to cover the child. "It's okay. Don't cry anymore. Paddy and Moomy aren't mad."

"Not mad?" Harry looked up hesitantly. 

"Not at all, Bambi." Sirius smiled softly at him and kissed his forehead. 

"Nope. Not at all." Remus held one of Harry's hands as a patronus came in and told them that Severus was there. "Let's go see Grandpa, yeah?"

"Grampa." Harry nodded, allowing Sirius to carry him downstairs. He smiled weakly when he saw Severus, head resting on Sirius' shoulder.

"What's the matter with him?" Severus looked worried.

"Not sure... Andromeda will be here soon and we'll find out." Remus responded, holding Harry's hand softly.

The three men plus the baby waited for Andromeda Black to arrive.

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