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~End of the school year~

Remus sat on the couch in their new living room, light coming in from huge windows that faced the front garden. They had reopened Potter Ancestral Manor and given the elves a chance to serve their baby master.

Harry was curled up in his baby swing, cooing at the stuffed animals that dangled above him that moved with magic. His small chubby fists reached up and batted at the glowing Stag which pranced around on the string.

"Are you having fun, cub?" Remus' soothing voice spoke with amusement, eyes crinkling as he smiled at the little boy. HIS little boy.

"Moo!" Harry grinned, showing off his few teeth to his Moomy.

"Good job!" Remus praised, kissing the boy's forehead before leaning back to let the baby play. "Hey, Sirius."

"Hey, Rem." Sirius came in, hair tied back in a small bun. He looked every bit the pureblood he was. "How's our boy?"

"He's doing good. That tooth finally came through. Thank gods for Severus' potions skills. That numbing potion helped." Remus smiled and reached out to his lover who came to sit next to him. The werewolf cuddled into his mate, nuzzling the Lord's neck lovingly.

"Good. I'm sorry I was gone." Sirius had been in a long meeting for a week. "But now you can rest and I can take care of Harry."

The aforementioned baby squealed at the sound of his name and flailed in excitement. His new father scooped him up, cuddling the baby happily. Harry's big green eyes stared at Sirius, happy gurgles escaping his mouth.

"Hello there, Bambi!" Sirius kissed Harry's face all over with exaggerated smacking noises each time. "How's my boy? Have you been good for Moomy?"

"Moo!" Harry shrieked at the mention of one of his favorite people. He wriggled in Sirius' lap to look at Remus.

"You're doing so good with that." Sirius smiled. "Daddy is so proud."

"Da!" Harry parroted, smacking Sirius' chest in excitement. "Da! Ma!"

"That's a new one." Remus grinned, looking very pleased. "Any news on the you-know-what?"

"Minnie will be continuing on as headmistress and Dumbledick is in forced retirement permanently. There's talk of a trial for his actions." Sirius hummed. "Talked to Cissy there for a bit before the meeting even began... Tommy's looking good and so polite."

"Good. So he won't be following the same path?" Remus stroked Harry's cheek gently, the baby turning his head to smile at his Mumma.

"Probably not. The Goblins fixed that little love potion conception issue." Sirius spoke lowly, rocking Harry against him. "Did you hear from Reg and Bill at all?"

"Yeah. They're gonna be coming for a visit on Thursday." Remus smiled gently at Sirius. "Quite the grip, Harry."

"He's a strong little guy. Especially when he's got both hands in my hair and yanking cause he thinks it's hilarious." Sirius snorted. "This is why I wear the man bun more often."

"I think it's sexy." Remus winked playfully, shifting slightly to look at the windows again.

~With Hermione~

"Mum, Dad. This is my boyfriend, Fred Weasley. You met him briefly at Christmas." Hermione blushed, introducing her parents to the love of her life. "And his twin George is right behind us too."

"You better be taking care of our Hermione." Mr. Granger spoke sternly, brown eyes narrowed at the young man who had stolen his little girl's heart.

"I am, Sir. Hermione means the most to me and I'd never jeopardize her safety." Fred spoke solemnly, knowing he needed to impress her parents.

"Dan, that's quite enough. Our Hermione is growing up." Jean warned her husband, jabbing him in the ribs with her elbow. "We'd like to invite you to visit our home in the middle of the holidays."

"Sounds like fun. I'll have to ask Mum." Fred smiled at the two muggles, leaning his cheek on Hermione's head.

"Send a letter with your answer." Hermione turned and hugged Fred, Jean dragging Dan off to give the couple privacy.

Fred kissed Hermione softly, mindful of the other people around and then grinned. "I think your mum likes me."

"My dad does too but he just won't show it." Hermione laughed, squeezing Fred once more. "George is playing tonsil hockey with his boyfriend, Fred."

"What?" Fred whipped around, gaping at the sight. "MY EYES!"

"Oh grow up. He's seen us in worse." Hermione had relaxed more and made more jokes.

"True." Fred winked before squeezing her once more and making his way to his family.

~Draco and Neville~

"I'll write often. We have that meeting set up to discuss terms of our betrothal." Draco was hugging Neville tightly and kissing his cheek gently as they hid behind a pillar. "My mother will be very enthusiastic to meet you but she'll hide it. She will love you almost as much as I do. And I love you very much, Neville."

"I love you too." Neville caught Draco's lips in a bold move that made the Slytherin smile. Neville had lost his shyness as their relationship went on. "I'll write as soon as I get home."

"Can't wait." Draco kissed him once more before slipping off.

~Blaise and Theo~

"Thank you so much, Lady Zabini." Theo thanked his boyfriend's mother. His father had been arrested and Lady Zabini had agreed to be his guardian temporarily until he reached 17.

"You mean a lot to my Blaise." The beautiful woman smiled at the boy. "And your mother was a dear friend of mine before she passed."

"Can we get home? I want to show Theo his rooms." Blaise was holding Theo's hand carefully.

"Yes, yes. We can get going." Lady Zabini agreed, chuckling slightly and took her charges home.

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