Money and Malfoys

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(30th of October)

Draco Malfoy had plenty of money and now he had plenty of true friends too. The Malfoy heir was happier than he had  ever been, surrounded by people he could honestly say he loved and cared for. He no longer cared so much for being 'superior' to everyone. "Draco?" George was sitting next to the blonde.

"Yeah?" Draco looked up from his book, only to see his mother's head in the Floo. "Mother!" Draco smiled and then frowned. "Is something wrong, Mother?"

"Rumors... Have reached us. About you defending a.... Muggleborn." Narcissa had a problem with how Muggleborns forced the government and schools to make changes for them. 

"I have been, Mother. The muggleborn has shown a willingness to be taught our customs and even defended me from an attack. I could have been killed." Draco was kneeling on a cushion in front of the fireplace. "Mother... Watch out... The toad is watching the Floo's and searching mail."

"I shall speak to your father promptly about her." Narcissa's expression softened after. "Draco dear? I love you very much."

"I love you too, Mother." Draco smiled at her, a true smile she hasn't seen since he was a small boy. "Have a good evening. I look forward to seeing you." His mother pulled her head out of the floo.

"Hopefully it solves our problems... But we also need Dumbledore gone." George was curled up in the chair. "Think if we prove his abuse of power, he'll get kicked out? He is a horrible headmaster."

"I think Professor Flitwick or McGonagall would be best for headmaster. Uncle Sev doesn't have the patience for it." Draco leaned on the Weasley, taking comfort from his friend. George had confessed a large secret to the Malfoy that only Normal Harry and his twin knew. George was in a relationship with Adrian Pucey, a Slytherin.

"Draco... I think you should tell him you like him." George resumed an earlier conversation.

"Did you know Luna is my cousin? Her father is my uncle. But Grandfather blasted him off the family tree for receiving some of the seer abilities but choosing to chase after things only he can see." Draco was not willing to continue the other conversation, he was happy being single.

"I... Did not know that." George stared at Draco. "Stiiiiiill think you need to tell your not so secret admirer that you fancy him~ He's brought you how many gifts now? 6-8?" He teased.

"Shut up!" Draco blushed all the way to the roots of his pale hair. "His Grandmother would never allow it anyways." He sighed miserably.

"I think if you publicly denounced the Death eaters and the Dark. She'd like you a bit more. And ask for permission to court your little Lion." George rubbed his back.

"I hate when you're right." Draco grumbled, cuddling a stuffed snake Neville had gifted him. It was about the length of his forearm and it was charmed to hiss slightly.

"I get that a lot. Now... How do you want to Denounce the Dark?" George leaned forward.

"In the Great Hall. At dinner. Tonight." Draco wanted to be able to be with Neville.

"You go, Draco!" George grinned. "We'll be there for moral support of course. Me, Vince, Luna, Greg, Blaise, and Theo. Fred will be there in spirit."

"Thank you. Really." Draco hugged him fiercely, smiling with watery eyes that were quickly wiped away.

"It's what friends are for." George ruffled the blonde hair. "Your hair is getting longer again."

"I know. I want to have it look nice." Draco smiled, watching the flames in the fireplace. "It's nearly time to go."

"Yeah. Let's go find our friends." George stood up, leading the way through several secret passages that made the trip take half as long. "Deep breath. Ready, Mate?"

"Ready." Draco opened the doors dramatically, sweeping into the room with a swish of his casual robes. "I have an announcement." He had cast the spell to make his voice louder, striding to stand on the platform that held the Head table. "I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, denounce the Dark ways, the senseless violence, the atrocities that the Death Eaters have caused. I am not marked. I would not allow myself to be marked and linked to such vile acts." He pushed his sleeves up, George casting a spell that showed an image of his bare unmarked arms.

Several of the more radical Slytherins looked furious, clearly not getting the memo that the dark lord was going back to being sane and not a murderous lunatic.


"SIT DOWN, RON." A beautiful sight met Draco's eyes, Neville stupifying Ron with enough power to send him all the way across the Great Hall. The blonde Longbottom heir strode across the room and stopped in front of Draco. "I, Heir Neville Francis Longbottom welcome you into the Light."

"Thank you, Heir Longbottom." Draco smiled slightly, shaking Neville's hand. The two held hands longer than what was necessary, eyes locked together until Susan Bones came and welcomed him. Several other heirs and heiresses welcomed him to the Light while Umbridge watched in silent fury, having been silenced by Flitwick when she had stood up when Draco had first entered the room and said he had an announcement. He had done it silently and stealthily.

~Several hours later, Malfoy Manor~

Lucius Abraxas Malfoy received a letter, one bearing the Longbottom crest. The blonde blinked, opening the letter after checking for curses, hexes, and secret portkeys.

Lord Malfoy,
I am Heir Neville Longbottom. I am writing regards to Heir Draco Malfoy, your son. I wish to ask you for permission to court him.
May Magick bless,
Heir Neville Longbottom

Lucius reread what was written several times, mouthing the words before roaring with laughter. Of all the people to ask for his son, he had never expected this. "Narcissa! Come quick!"

The lady blonde ran in, panting. "What's the matter? Have you been injured?"

"Read this." He handed her the letter and watched the emotions flipping on her face and her expression settled on joy.

"I think Heir Longbottom is perfect for him. I've heard a lot about him in Draco's letters." Narcissa looked pleased. "Accept. Then owl Augusta."

"I know. I will." Lucius penned an elegant acceptance and an invitation to the Yuletide. He was also planning for Samhain which was in two days.

Narcissa was overjoyed, already planning to write to Draco. She was ecstatic at Draco finding someone.

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