Wartime and Warriors

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Draco stopped in front of Pansy Parkinson and glared as she was seated between two older boys. "Who do you think you are, Low bloods?" His tone was ice cold.

"Excuse me?" Pansy gasped, staring at Draco at the obvious insult. She looked offended and ready to fight.

"Who do you three think you are? You have attacked the betrothed of a Malfoy." Draco was completely in control of himself, knowing Umbridge could walk in at any moment.

"He could legally have your magic stripped." Fred added, an unusually vicious expression on his freckled face. "Attacking the betrothed of an Ancient house is punishable by law."

"Especially if it's the heir of another Ancient house. Especially an Ancient and Most Noble house like the Longbottoms." Seamus was on Draco's other side.

"Consider yourself warned. You will not like what happens if you touch him again." Draco turned with the ominous threat lingering and a subtle flick of his wand cast a hex that would activate later. "Let's go, boys." He strutted away, Fred and Seamus following as Greg and Vince sat at Gryffindor table.

"What did I miss?" George was carefully wiping Neville's face with a damp cloth. "There we go, Nev. You're all good now."

"Thank you." Neville blushed, cuddling into Draco's side as the lighter haired blonde sat down next to him. He was wrapped up in Draco's arms and held protectively.

"They won't be bothering you again if they're smart..." Draco kissed his cheek softly. "Has anyone heard about Harry recently?"

"He's doing well. Quite clingy to Padfoot and Moony after them being gone for the trial." Hermione smiled.

"Good." Draco was pleased and then watched as the entire Slytherin table's hair turned Weasley red with blue splotches on their skin that made them look like cows.

George and Fred both started laughing uproariously. "Point Gryffindor! Again!" They chimed.

"Hm." Greg Goyle watched as several Hufflepuffs changed genders and the Ravenclaws joined the Slytherins in appearance changes. "Point Slytherin for the Puffs."

~With Harry~

Harry at the moment was having his hair trimmed by Sirius who was talking steadily to keep the small boy calm. "And then I'll ask Moomy to marry me. Would you like to help me ask him?"

"Uh huh!" Harry grinned, swinging his small legs and waiting for Sirius to be done.

"All done, Bambi!" Sirius set the scissors down on the counter and picked up a lock of hair from the floor, intending to save it in Harry's baby book. "Now, let's show uncle Reg once he gets up from his nap."

"Uncle Reg tired?" Harry touched his short fluffy hair and giggled, reaching for Sirius to hold him. "Up, Paddy?"

"C'mere, Harry." Sirius scooped up the boy in one arm and vanished the hair on the floor, then collected the lock he had saved before going to the nursery he and Remus had set up for Harry. "Nap time for you."

"Nigh nigh time?" Harry was a sleepy boy, looking at Sirius. "Don' wanna nap, Paddy. Wanna play."

"You can rest your eyes for half an hour and then you can play." Sirius knew Harry would fall asleep anyways. He laid Harry down and and tucked him under the blankets with his little stuffed deer in his arms. "You wait until I come to get you, okay?"

"Okay, Paddy." Harry's little eyes closed as Sirius slipped a dummy in his mouth. The little boy sucked on the pacifier for a bit before it went still as he slept.

Sirius crept out with Harry's baby book in hand, going to his and Remus's room to put the hair in. He tucked it in and wrote the date and age of Harry before laying it next to the one James and Lily had started making. "I know you're watching from wherever you are, James. I'm trying to do right by yours and Lily's son. I want him to have a better childhood and to give him good memories. Those horrible muggles he was placed with didn't treat him right and I wasn't there either, got myself locked up trying to avenge you. And they wouldn't have allowed Remus to take him either. But never think I don't love Harry or that I'm doing this out of guilt, I'm not. That boy is the light of my life along with Rem and Reggie. Without them... I'd have died long ago and you'd have seen me a lot sooner if I was good enough to get where you are... I miss you both so much." The man finished, silent tears running down his face as he spoke. He felt a squeeze on his shoulder and smelt Lily's favorite rose and lavender perfume.

(I felt like ending this chapter here.)

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