Carnival Date with Astro

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    These little imagines/ reactions are kinda shorter compared to my other ones, but I may add onto them at some point. I'm just kinda suffering from a bit of writers block, but I'll make it up to you all soon enough! Enjoy! ^^

    The Maknae would be taking pictures the whole time, and would be too hyper and excited to really do much else than record the day. He would want to be able to relive the day at any point in time through his phone. Sanha would eventually run out of phone battery, as it is inevitable, but would try and win you one of those jumbo plushies that seemed impossible to get. He would probably give up after $30 worth of tries, and end up settling on winning you a cute goldfish instead. 🐟
    "Y/N, c'mon, let me win you something so we can really remember today!"

    The leader wouldn't really be too interested in riding anything more than the little spinning teacups ride. He'd be more into the carnival for the good food and to see the cute animals they usually had. He'd love seeing you enjoying yourself the most though. He'd hold you hand nearly the whole time, bringing him so much joy. He would always have a great day at the carnival with you, no matter the circumstances. 😊
    "I had a really good time with you, jagi. Let's do this every year!"

    Binnie would be acting weird at the carnival, always worried that you would be separated from each other. He'd hold you close around your waist and make sure to be aware of your surroundings. He'd ride anything you wanted to, as long as he said it looked safe. He would be pretty protective of you, and for good measure. He really cares about you! 😄
    "Make sure you stay close to me, Y/N. I don't want to lose you now."

    This happy ball of sunshine would be the most determined out of all the members to win you something. He wanted you to have something to make you happy when he wasn't with you, so he thought an item with a good memory attached would do the trick. Even if it was a tiny little plush, he would be so proud to give it to you himself. MJ would also be one of the members to ride nearly everything at the carnival with you, no matter the size or speed. He loved laughing on them as the wind blew in his face. But be sure your plush doesn't fly away on any of the rides! 🦆
    "Ahh, finally! A present to my jagi, I hope it makes you smile a ton!"

    Rocky would be eager yet calm at the carnival until he would see a poster for a couple's dance contest! He would plead for you to go with him, and of course, his charms work every time. He'd dance with you until the sun went down and hopefully take home a prize from the contest! No matter if you won or lost, he's be sure to ride many fast and awesome rides with you when the little fairy lights turned on around the fairgrounds. A magical and tiring night full of lots of hugs and kisses~
    "Let's go sign up! I know we got it in us, we're the best couple out there!"

    Eunwoo would be sure to go to the carnival with you after the sun has set, so the effect of a perfect date would really be there. He'd be so excited to spend the day with you. After getting an elephant's ear or corndog, you'd both head to the largest ride: the Ferris Wheel. Sitting together in the little carts, slightly swaying back and forth would be so fun for you too, you'd be laughing the whole way. And who knows, maybe you'll have the magical moment at the top of the wheel where he kisses you as you look over the city! 😗
    "This is really a night to remember. I'm glad you're here, Y/N"

I hope you all enjoyed reading this! Please comment if you have any suggestions on what kind of imagines you'd like to see! Thanks again! ❤

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