Jealous Pt. 2 (Sanha, Rocky & JinJin)

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Jealous Sanha:

"Oh, Sanha, look at this little puppy! He certainly is a cutie, aren't you?" you squealed when you saw a nice old lady walker her sweet puppy in the park. Sanha usually liked cute things like puppies, be he lagged behind and didn't really say much as you chatted with the lady, talking about how old the pup was and such. Once the lady left, you rejoined Sanha, linking your arm in his as you both continued down the sidewalk. You smiled sweetly at your boyfriend but noticed he seemed upset.

"What's wrong, Sanha?" A tear fell down his cheek.

"Noona, is that dog cuter than me? I thought I was your cutie..." Sanha whimpered. You sighed while embracing him. He was actually quite sensitive when it came to things like this.

"You are my cutie, and nothing can replace you, my little beagle!"

Jealous Rocky:

"Oppa, look at this amazing dancer!" You showed Rocky a video from one of your favorite idol dancers, J-Hope. As the man twisted and turned in the most graceful way, Rocky remained silent. When it was over, he said he had something to do and quickly rushed off. He did that sometimes, so you didn't think much of it and kept watching K-Pop videos as you normally do. It wasn't until two hours later that you decided to check on him in the dance studio. He was gasping and panting as he tried to imitate J-Hope's dance from earlier. 

"Rocky, what are you doing?"

"I just... wanted to ... impress you ... like J-Hope..." he said between heavy breaths, hanging his head. You quickly grabbed a water bottle that was lying around and handed it to him. 

"You're perfect just the way you are. Including your dances. You just have to be yourself and you've already won my heart!"

Jealous JinJin:

Jinwoo and you were out at a party when some guy came up to you and started flirting it up. Jinwoo was across the room, staring him down the whole time. He leaves for two seconds to get some more soda and someone is already trying to hook up with you. He opened a new Sprite and made his way back over to you. He stood behind you without you or the man knowing. When the guy got a little too close for comfort, Jinwoo lightly grabbed your hips and just stood there, sipping his soda. When the guy continued, Jinwoo lost his cool and splashed the soda on the man's shirt. You realized what was going on once he grabbed your waist but you were too in shock to say anything before it was too late. You both made it out of the party pretty quickly before you were hauled out. All your boyfriend said on the way home was, "He's lucky I chose Sprite instead of Mountain Dew."

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