Imagine #2 (Minhyuk) Fighting for You

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Requested by @JennyPham3 . Thanks for your suggestion!

This scenario is based on the fight scene in To Be Continued, where Y/N is Astro's close friend, and Rocky's partner. Enjoy~

A/N- Also no hate to the group Seventeen, I stan them so hard and I love them. They're just the 'bad guys' for this imagine. Thanks!

Hoshi had been slyly smirking and chuckling at Minhyuk every day after school when the two of you were packing up for the day. You began to worry about his suspicious activity but he tried not to pay any attention to it. "He's just trying to get a rise out of me, that's all," he would say. The other boys also started to worry about the situation, as Hoshi and his team of thugs were not a force to reckon with. They could really fight, and each of them had been suspended on multiple occasions. 

While walking home one afternoon, a sudden downpour surprised you and your boyfriend, so you both went seeking shelter under an overpass while you got out your umbrellas. The other boys had been split from you somewhere down the road, likely due to a bad traffic light. As you searched your bookbag, a loud splash echoed behind you. When you turned around to see what it was, you only saw tall shadows looming over you. Hoshi and his gang had finally caught up to you. 

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be hanging out with such a lowlife," the tallest one said. He was the exchange student Wen Jun Hui. He had a reputation of being a bit of a player with girls and tried to get them to be in their little group. 

"Guess we'll just have to teach him a lesson, huh?" said the other foreigner. Xu Ming Hao. A quiet, but deadly kid. From out in the pouring rain, five more figures appeared. The other boys had finally come and joined you.

Then the youngest one, Dino, spoke out, "four on six? Isn't that a bit unfair?"

"We'll just have to find out," laughed Hoshi, who started walking towards Minhyuk, quickening his pace with every step. He launched a fist at the boy, and it landed right in his stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He landed a few more punches on him, but Minhyuk tried to fight back. His attacker knew what he was doing though and seemed to always be one step ahead. Moonbin, the protector of the group, shot into action, grabbing Hoshi's wrist and twisting his arm behind his back. The other boys all yelled and helped giant Moonbin fight back the gang. Eunwoo took on Jun- their heights being close made it a rather fair fight. Eunwoo held Jun in a headlock and tugged mercilessly on his greasy and gel-y hair. The two youngest, Sanha and Dino battled for a while on the wet ground, rolling and punching in puddles. MJ, vengeful and flailing, tackled Ming Hao, who fell to the ground instantly. They also started to roll around and wrestle aimlessly in the large puddles, getting their school uniforms all torn up and stained. 

Jinwoo, who you presumed would engage in the fight immediately, rushed to Minhyuk's side and held him up with his arm around his shoulders. He began to walk off into the rain until he realized you were still there, unattended and rather shaken up. He nodded for you to come alongside him. You were unsure about leaving the boys behind, but he mouthed 'they'll be okay,' to you and you always trusted him in this kind of situation. He was wiser than he looked, and the leader of his group. He knew them the best.  

"Where's your house?" he simply said, not caring about the pouring icy rain. You guided him to your house as he dragged along Minhyuk, who was limping with his head down. Your worry built up in your chest, but you decided that later would be a better time to ask questions and make sure he was okay. 

Once you reached the front door of the familiar building, you began fumbling with the keys, shaking still from the scare you had only minutes before. Jinwoo just stood idly by, watching you tremble without saying a word. After you finally found the right key, you rushed inside and bolted to the bathroom to find the first aid kit. The bathroom was totally destroyed after you ransacked the place of all medical supplies and towels. 

You helped Jinwoo lower the beaten and bruised boy into the dining room chair. He slouched and let his head hang low. 

"I'm going to run back and try and find the others," Jinwoo informed you, rushing out as soon as he finished the last syllable. You turned your attention back to your beloved friend and companion, who now was looking you in the eyes. He looked ashamed and like his dignity had been ripped out of his body. You smiled warmly up at him and placed a fresh towel over his dripping mop of hair, rubbing most of the moisture out and drying off his face. His lip was bleeding. You reached up a cotton ball to his swollen lip and held it there as his eyes still remained on yours. He flickered his eyes back down to the floor when the soft fluff touched his face. 

"Minhyuk," you whispered, "talk to me. Let me know if you're okay." Silence lingered for a little longer as he thought of what to say to you. HIs eyes became heavy and filled with sorrow. 

"I'm sorry." You look up at him and saw the sadness in his avoiding eyes. you reached up to hold his face reassuringly. When your palm brushed his bruised cheek, his eyes flashed back to your face, his usually happy face displaying a melancholy emotion. He was disappointed in himself and felt shame for not being able to fight for you like he thought he wanted to. 

"Min Min, you don't have to apologize, what you did was so brave. I couldn't have done it, no way!" you smiled sweetly up at him, and he returned a small soft smile at you. The embarrassing nickname of 'Min Min' was one that you used on your boyfriend whenever he needed a little motivation or cheering up. Neither of you liked using it in public, but when you were alone together, you both loved how cheesy it was. 

"I just wish I could have protected you better. That's all." 

"You did protect me. I'm okay, aren't I?" You placed your head on your hands in a cute way, trying to get Minhyuk to smile. He chuckled at you and reached out to hold your hand, gently intertwining your fingers with his warm ones. Even though Minhyuk was a man of few words, he still spoke to you like you were the only person he ever talked to. Like you were his world and nothing else mattered to him. He was shy but in his moments of bravery, he stood out to everyone, always putting you before even his own safety. "Let's get you patched up, okay?"

Minhyuk would have a black eye for a week or so from the initial punch he took from Hoshi. He had many cuts and scrapes on his face and body, along with many rips in his school uniform. YOu cleaned and disinfected all his wounds, then put band-aids and ace bandages over all of them. The thick material of his uniform would never air dry so you went and pulled out some oversized sweatpants you owned and one of Minhyuk's sweatshirts that you 'borrowed'. After he changed and got all comfy on the couch with you, you offered him the TV remote to help him unwind until the other guys showed up. You learned how to sew recently, so you attempted to patch up the school uniform the best you could until he could either get it done professionally or buy a new one. 

"You're still dripping wet," he said once you finished mending his clothes. He slowly and painfully stood up, limping over to the table where you had left the other towels. He returned and rubbed your hair out. You felt cared for in this situation, and you thought that this was a way for him to indirectly say 'thank you'. His charming eyes warmed you up inside as he smiled gently at you. It was a smile of great gratitude and love. In this relationship with Minhyuk, many of your apologies, thank you's and I love you's were silent. 

After you were all dried off, you turned to him and rested your head on his shoulder. He instantly welcomed you into his arms by moving his hand around your shoulders, pulling you closer. He kissed the top of your head and you could feel his thumb lightly tracing circles on your arm. It was a calming feeling that you two were finally safe and at peace. That is, until the other boys stormed inside the front door. 

Limping and groaning boys came into your home, all beaten up but still somehow smiling. Except for Sanha. That boy looked half dead. They cheered in victory and laughed despite their many obvious wounds. You signed, standing up, and looked to Minhyuk, who just sillily whispered "fighting!" 

"I'm not doing this again. Let's just go to the hospital this time."

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