Boyfriend JinJin/Jinwoo

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•Seeing you and him going blank
•Stuttering when you ask him what's wrong
•You catch him spacing out and staring at you all the time
•"what no I totally wasn't spacing out"
•"Hey can we hold hands"
•Takes you out for random dinner dates in random hole-in-the-wall restaurants
•Melting when you kiss
•Become super clingy when you pull away
•Super protective boyfriend
•"Hey I saw Myungjun looking at you if he tries anything tell me"
•Thinks you're the most beautiful being ever put on this earth
•Making on the spot raps about you and making up some silly choreography to it
•Aegyo when you're mad
•When he gets upset at you he'll come up to you after not talking for 15 minutes and apologize profusely
•"I'm sorry I miss you" "it's been 15 minutes" "I MISS YOU"
•Sends the cutest and hottest photos to you saying he loves you
•It took him SO LONG to confess because he was so nervous
•"I um think I'm in love with you?"
•FaceTime and Skype become your #1 used app
•"I love yooou, have a good day~"
•Being the cutest and fluffier boyfriend
•Name in your phone: My Angel 👼
•Name in his phone: Cutie 😚
•This boy would walk with you around the mall with his hand resting on your waist the entire time
•Speaking of malls
•Would send Dongmin or something to go with you to the mall to see what you have interest in for your birthday
•Would totally make Dongmin promise he didn't touch you or look at you weird
•Like I said he's super protective
•He's super sneaky with presents and such
•Never disappoints you with gifts
•Spends so much money on you randomly
•"I bought it because it reminded me of you."
•"Jinwoo this is like the 5th time this week you've bought me a teddy bear."
•All around, he's super cuddly and loving and wonderful omg

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