When You Have Dyslexia

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    This reaction is sort of personal, as I do have dyslexia! It thought it would be nice to support all the readers and writers with dyslexia, so here you go!

    When you had trouble spelling what were simple words to the ordinary person, MJ asked what was wrong. You told him the truth with a sigh. He smiled and read over the birthday card you were writing for Moonbin, helping you spell whatever words you needed a little helper with. He wouldn't think any less of you, but he surely would love to help any time you needed it!

    Jinwoo wouldn't think anything of it when you admitted to having dyslexia when you stuttered and mixed words up easily. He would simply say that he could listen to you for hours, so you could take all the time you needed to phrase your sentences without the stress of rushing. He would support you and if you ever needed help with coming up with the right word, he'd patiently wait until you described the word to him. Together, you'd eventually figure it out, smiling together at how much of a power couple you were!

    Binnie would be startled when you couldn't read some directions out loud, mixing up numbers in the address. He would ask why you were having such trouble and you'd explain it to him. He would understand, but would always be hesitant on correcting you if you had read or written something incorrect, afraid he would hurt your feelings. Eventually though, he would warm up and it wouldn't worry him anymore, always eager to help you out!

    Eunwoo wouldn't think much of it when you refused to read aloud to him one night from the book you decided to read together. You were silent much of the rest of the night, so Eunwoo would snuggle up to you and ask what was wrong. After an emotional explanation on how you had dyslexia and feared reading aloud, he would completely understand and offer to read you chapters of the book whenever you got headaches from reading too much. You'd love having someone so understanding and kind helping you out!

    Instead of him noticing first like most of the other members, you would actually tell Rocky before he suspected anything. He would say "so what? I love and support you no matter what. This doesn't change anything." This was one of the best reactions you could have imagined and you'd be so happy to have such a loving and supporting lover!

    Sanha would... Not notice at all. He would never think of how you mixed up left and tight or b's and d's. Eventually, you'd bring it up and Sanha would finally realized what had been going on. He would panic and ask all sorts of questions like, "how did you find out? Does it hurt you? How can I make it better?" You'd giggle and calm him down. After a lengthy explanation, he would understand and snuggle you close, hoping he could help you the best he can!

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