Imagine #1 (Eunwoo)

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"Eunwoo, wake up! It's time for you to go down to the studio," you called out across the dorms while making coffee for you and your boyfriend. The rest of the boys sent you up after their failed attempts to wake up their sleeping beauty. It was unlike him. He was usually the first one up in the morning, but today he lagged behind. This caused you to worry a bit. Eunwoo was very particular about his schedule, especially in the morning. 

Once the coffee was done brewing, you poured two mugs full. One with everything you liked in it, and Eunwoo's with just a little sugar, just like he liked it. Pushing open the bedroom door with your back, you quietly made your way to the ball of covers on the far bed. The man under them seemed to be trembling. You quickly set the steaming mugs down on the dresser and rushed to his side. Slowly, you removed the covers over his head to see him curled up and covered in a cold sweat. 

"Eunwoo! What's wrong?" you said, your voice filling with worry. 

"I-I think I'm," he sniffled, "I think I'm sick." It was no wonder why he didn't want to get out of bed, he looked horrible - pale, green, and his eyes seemed sunken. It was flu season so you immediately assumed he had caught a bad strain of it. 

"Okay, hold on, I'll call Jinwoo and tell him you won't be in today," you replied, searching on your smartphone for the leader's contact. A cold hand gripped your wrist. 

"Please, don't. I need to..." You pulled away from him to take the call. Eunwoo never liked taking days off; he always worried that he would be disappointing his members if he didn't go into the studio.  

Jinwoo was very understanding on the phone and said that he would drop by within an hour to drop off some chicken soup for Eunwoo. Jinwoo was very concerned for him because it wasn't often that Eunwoo got sick, not to mention how often he took days off. 

"I'm going to draw a bath for you, okay? I'll tell you when I'm done." Your boyfriend sighed and nodded in defeat, returning to laying his head down on the damp pillow. 

You made sure to make a really nice bath for Eunwoo, one that smelled pleasant and wasn't too hot or too cold. When it was perfect, you helped the weak man out of bed. Because of your height differences, he loomed over you even though he was slouching from how weak the illness made him. 

After making sure he was settled in the bath (don't go having dirty thoughts...), the doorbell rang. You told Eunwoo that it was probably Jinwoo with the soup, and said that you would be back in a moment. Your predictions were correct, and Jinwoo came inside the dorms with a warm container of chicken soup.

"Thanks a bunch, I think he'll feel  a lot better after eating this."

"Yeah, of course! I don't want him to feel any worse," Jinwoo said, pouring the soup into a large bowl. "You know, the reason we told you to go and wake him up was because he was asking for you. I guess you really make him feel better." He smiled at you as you set the bowl on the coffee table and turned on the TV. You make him feel better? You secretly smiled at the thought ad you attempted to hide your blushing cheeks. 

JInwoo left and returned to the studio where the rest of the members were, and you got Eunwoo out of the bathroom and helped him get dressed. 

"It's too hot in here for a sweatshirt," he groaned when you handed him the blue top. 

"It's only 60 degrees in here, it's just your body temperature. You still need to stay warm," you replied, knitting your eyebrows together as you pulled out some sweatpants. He replied with a feeble 'okay' and put them on. 

Once Eunwoo had finished his soup, he pulled you close to him and put his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes. He wrapped his arms around your waste loosely.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. 

"What for?"

"For you having to take care of me like this." You pulled him back and looked into his exhausted but still beautiful eyes. You kissed his forehead and pulled him into a soft and comforting embrace. 

"Never apologize for that, I'm always happy to help you, you know that. I just hope I can help you feel a little better. Your cheeks started to warm up from Jinwoo's confession earlier. 

"You always make me feel better... You make me happy," he sighed, holding onto you tighter than before. You melting into his arms and sighed into the hug. 

"Thank you for being there for me, Y/N."

You couldn't respond, because you came down with a sneezing fit just then. "Oh, no, I think I caught your sick," you sniffled, rubbing your slightly pink nose with the sleeve of your shirt.

"Then I'll take care of you next," he beamed, kissing the top of your head, and holding you tight, making you feel just a bit better than before. 

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