When You're Sick

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This happy hyung would be worried sick about you! He would always ask, "Are you sure you're not cold?", "do you want me to make some chicken soup?", "Don't get up, I'll get you the TV remote!" He would barely leave your side, only ever getting up to get you a drink or more blankets. He would cuddle you even though you tried to push him away, thinking you would get him sick. He would dance around and bring you his army of duck plushies to make you laugh. His smile would always make you feel a million times better. On top of that, MJ can make a killer chicken soup!

This little dancer would always dance to any song you'd want so he could put a smile on your face while you're sick! He'd be sure that you both drank enough, using his dancing as an excuse for both of you to get enough liquids. He'd make being sick not so bad, always making you smile and enjoy your extra time together.

Jinwoo would be very concerned, but wouldn't panic when you're sick. He'd act similarly to MJ, saying by your side at all times. Once you feel better and your fever is broken, he'd treat you to some good ice cream and a nice romantic comedy movie! Cuddling in a little blanket burrito is one of his favorite things to do!

Eunwoo would be panicked. Always rushing around to get you a hot washcloth to put on your forehead to getting you fever meds, he would be sprinting across the house. He wouldn't care how tired he became he would do anything for you to feel better. Even if that meant him possibly getting sick cuddling you.

Binnie would have no idea what to do. He would probably call his mom for advice and put too much celery in the chicken soup she tells him to make. Maybe he would spill a little over the bowl trying to deliver it to you. Even though he would get so exhausted running around, he would always say it was worth it if it meant you feeling better.

The Maknae probably wouldn't even be taking care of you! He would most likely call one of the hyungs and ask for them to take care of you. While JinJin or MJ took care of you, he would be supportive and hold your hand through the fever and pain you feel.

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