Where Astro Kisses

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Where would Astro kiss you most?

    Our leader would love to give you long, deep kisses that made you lean in. He loves being close to you and wants to show you how much that is by kissing you as long as he possibly can. Your neck and jaw would be his favorite points to kiss. The kisses would always be the ignition for the fireworks you felt.

    Acting like such a prince charming, the visual would love to kiss your hand the most, making you feel like his own princess. He loved to make you feel like a pampered princess because to him, you were his true love that he thought only existed in fairytales.

    Rocky would probably kiss you the most out of any of the boys. He is passionate about three things: dancing, Astro, and you. He would want to make you feel the best he could, kissing you in many short spurts on tour lips, cheek, nose and forehead. It changed every day, but no matter what you got, you'd be smiling so much.

    Being a goofball, MJ would usually only give pecks to you, mostly on the nose. He would be playful and unpredictable when he kissed you, as he could at anytime, anywhere. You'd  surprise him sometimes too with a sudden kiss on the lips and he would grow so red and cover his face. Sometimes He really did act like a child, but in the best way.

    Being more shy and timid, Binnie would like to kiss yoir forehead mostly. He would be very hesitant when doing it, and it would only last a second. Yet, where the two of you were alone, he usually could work up more courage and kiss you as much as he wanted.

    Being innocent, our Maknae would like to kiss your cheeks, quickly hiding his face again before you could see his own cheeks sprinkled in pink. He would sneak these kisses mostly in private, not wanting everyone to know he liked someone else. Oh, how adorably naive he is. 

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