What They Love

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What does each member love most about you? Let's see~

    JinJin would love your voice the most. He loved every little dip it made when you finished a sentence or every time it became high when you started laughing. Your voice could always tell him if you were upset, becoming strong as a brick wall when you're mad and cracking like worn plaster when you were going to cry. It made him happy that he knew everything you felt just from your lovely voice.

    Binnie would love your eyes the most, looking like portals to the universe in his own eyes. He could see infinite worlds and stars in them, and could tell when they were sad worlds or ones full of joy with just one look. He could drown in those eyes of yours, and he's be fine with it.

    Strangely enough, MJ would love your teeth the most. Whenever he saw them it meant he could listen to you chat for hours, or it meant you smiled. You smiling would be the thing that mattered most to this man. Yet, he also loved your laugh... Both are good!

    Eunwoo would love your eyelashes the most. Even through it sounds strange, he loved that they were long and adorable. They made yoir eyes look even more amazing than they already were. From a model's perspective, they were the most amazing thing. He loved how they seemed delicate but bold.

    Being the observant dancer he is, Rocky would love your legs. He always wondered how they carried you so gracefully no matter what you did. They moved wonderfully as you danced around aimlessly, when you walked around with him or even when you crossed them while having coffee with him. They were the definition of amazing.

    Even though he's usually called cute, he would call your adorable cheeks. He loved how they were perfect and round, never losing their charm. When they became pink, he would be so happy, thinking it was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Often, he'd pinch them and tell you how truly cute you were.

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