When Their Girlfriend is Too Innocent

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Requested by MariluG_22. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I'm still here! I hope you enjoy this one!


Jinwoo was rather fond of kissing you and holding your hand in public, but you weren't sure about it. You told him that you had never been in a relationship like this before, and you had never kissed someone in public. He was taken aback and teased you lightly.

"Aww, innocent little Y/N! Don't worry, I'll protect you!"

"Aww, innocent little Y/N! Don't worry, I'll protect you!"

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MJ never really kissed you passionately, they were always joking and fun kisses. When he finally did kiss you deeply, you pulled away almost instantly. Hurt, Myungjun asked what was wrong, and you hesitantly told him that no one has ever kissed you like that before. He chuckled lightly and ruffled your hair and kissed you softly on the forehead.

"Such a cutie. That's okay, Y/N, don't pressure yourself."


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Dongmin was a more romantic boyfriend and liked to show his love for you often. Once he pulled you close by the waist and kissed you very lovingly. He wanted to show you how much he loved you by showing you with kisses and hugs, but you didn't return the gesture. He asked what was going on, and you shyly told him that you had never been intimate in any way with someone, even just making out. He understood immediately, and let you go.

"I'm sorry, I was getting too caught up in the moment. I'll be more careful next time, Y/N."


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Moonbin was already very shy with you and rarely ever kissed you. The first time he kissed you, you weren't sure how to react to it. You didn't know how to kiss back or anything. He continued to try and get you to kiss back but he eventually stopped and started getting worried that he kissed you wrong. You told him that that wasn't the case, but that you had never been kissed before. Bin already knew that he was your first boyfriend, but he forgot at that moment. 

"Oh, yeah, that's right. Y/N is an innocent little baby~ so cute."


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Rocky was rather intense sometimes when he kissed you. You quickly became uncomfortable when his kisses started to get more heated. You pulled away and looked down in embarrassment. Minhyuk was more than slightly confused and wondered what was going on. He then realized that you said when you both started dating that you'd never been in a relationship before. He smiled sweetly at you and hugged you softly. 

"Sorry about that, I forgot. I'm glad I'm the first one who got to kiss you like that though..."


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Sanha was your first boyfriend, and you were Sanha's first girlfriend. The relationship was wonderful but still full of occasional awkwardness. You both were at a mutual understanding about being careful of boundaries and consent. Sanha was extremely nervous whenever he kissed you, but you always tried to ease his worries. 

"I'm glad you're my first girlfriend, and that I'm your first boyfriend. You're such a wonderful first love..."


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