After a Fight

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Requested by @WhenLifeGetsYouDown . Enjoy~


Jinwoo had been so tired and stressed lately that you thought that you would wait for him one night to surprise him with a gift: new (and rather expensive)  tennis shoes. He needed a new pair and you wanted to buy them for him. When he came home after 2AM, you ran up to him and said you had a surprise for him. He shrugged you off and said he didn't want to be bothered as he went into the bedroom and slammed the door. A bit shocked and hurt, you decided to call it a night and slept on the couch to not bother him. Honestly, he felt horrible about it in the morning, and to try and apologize, he made breakfast for you.

"I'm really sorry about what happened, I appreciate you so much. Thank you for being such an amazing person to me even when I'm not my best self."


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It was unusual for Myungjun to be in a bad mood, so of course, you asked him what was wrong. When he wouldn't tell you after you asking many times, he snapped and yelled, saying that he didn't need you pestering him. Heartbroken, you backed off and didn't speak to him for around an hour when he realized his error. He nearly started crying when he said sorry to you. He held you close and wept his apologies to you.

"I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you, I love you so much! I love everything you do! I-"

"I-I am so sorry! I didn't mean to yell at you, I love you so much! I love everything you do! I-"

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Suddenly, Eunwoo's face broke out without any reason. Panicking, he tried to get the redness of his acne to die down but to no avail. You suggested many things to him and tried to help, but he was too overstimulated and yelled at you. Once things were sort of taken care of, he rushed out of the house to his photo shoot. Only when he returned home around midnight did he realize what he did to you. He woke you up right away and you both had a heart to heart about what happened.

"Honestly, I feel so bad about it. Thank you for helping me. I will try and improve for you."


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Being a rather shy person, it was hard for Bin to go to a Halloween party with you. He felt so socially worn out by the time you got home that he just wanted to be alone and he accidentally told you off and locked himself in the bedroom. When he heard you crying outside the door, he instantly felt horrible about what he had said to you. He opened the door and held you tight in his arms, not saying a word. He wasn't much for apologizing verbally, but he showed it other ways.

"I had a good time with you tonight, I just... got too worn out. I'll do better next time. We'll do it again, right?"

 We'll do it again, right?"

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When Minhyuk fell on stage, he became so mad at himself. He ended up twisting his ankle and was put on rest for around a month. This left him so frustrated and it showed when he had an outburst, yelling at you for bothering him when you offered him some painkillers. Imedeantly he would sigh to himself and apologize, but that wasn't enough for him. Once his ankle healed correctly, he took you out for a lovely date, telling you he was so grateful for you. 

"Thank you for everything. I'm really sorry if I got bent out of shape at any point. It's my fault."


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Cramming for an exam was never a good idea, but Sanha still did it, going against your advice. When he failed it, you told him that you were right and that he needs to actually study next time. Angry with himself, he accidentally lashed out on you and then abruptly stormed off. Later that night (while actually studying), Sanha called you in tears, telling you about how he should have listened to you last time. 

"I'm so sorry, I feel so bad... I made you sad and I failed a test! T-T"

 I made you sad and I failed a test! T-T"

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