Chapter 13-Hanging with rye.

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I wake up to a text at 8am from Rye. 'hey,everyone is busy apart from me. Can we hang out?' I message back. 'sure I'd love to,come round mine in an hour' rye-'ok babe'.

Did he call me babe?!,he calls everyone babe. Don't get your hopes up sophie. I get up and get changed. I decide not to have much for my breakfast so we can go out for dinner. I don't put any makeup on either because I feel comfortable not wearing makeup around Rye. I sit around watching YouTube for another half hour then I hear Rye knock on the door. I jump up and open the door with a big smile on my face.

"hey,come in"I open the door wider for him.

"hey soph"he gives me a hug. We sit on the sofa and I put Netflix on.

"I'm so glad I could hang out with you cos everyone had something to do like Brook went home for a week,Jack went back to Ireland and then mikey and Andy are both ill"

"why didn't you go back home for a week then if Brook and Jack did"

"because I'm going tomorrow"

"oh right ok"

"Andy and mikey are going tomorrow as well"

"that means I won't be able to see any of you for ages then"I frown.

"I'll text you then when we get back you can come over"

"ok"I cuddle him.

"do you want a tea"I ask Rye.

"yes please"I make him a tea then I sit back next to him.

"I'm sorry to ask but has Harvey text you since or have to talked at all since"I tear up.

"nope and I don't plan on it"

"I'm sorry that happened and it's all my fault"

"don't worry about my love life,you lost a friend you've known for years because of a silly little kiss"

We finish talking about that and we cuddle watching a film. I really like rye but I dunno if I would want to date him right now because I'm still hurting from Harvey. I trust Rye though and trust that he would never hurt me. I look up and see that Rye is fast asleep so I take a selfie with him and post it on snapchat which yes I can do because no fans have me on snapchat obviously but Rye wouldn't be able to post us together anywhere. I snuggle back into him trying not to wake him up.

"Rye,I'm hungry"I shake him to wake him up.

"what's up gorgeous?"

"I'm hungry"

"what time is it?"

"12:40,you've been asleep for an hour"

"really,I'm sorry"

"it's fine but please can we go to McDonalds"

"of course we can"

We both get up and put our shoes on and jackets. We head to McDonalds which is only a ten minute walk from my house. I get a big Mac meal and Rye gets the same then we eat it in the restaurant before walking back to my house. By now it's like 2pm so we watch some more YouTube while cuddling.

"Ry-"I look up at Rye and see that he's staring at me.

He cups my cheeks with his hands and looks me lovingly dead in the eyes with a smile on his lips. He looks from my eyes to my lips and back again. He leans forward and kisses me light to start off until I kiss back then he deepens it. I love this boy. So much.

"that was amazing"he smiles as he pulls back.

"I agree but I'm still hurting from Harvey"

"I'll wait for you,I promise"he kisses me once then he pulls me back into him and I rest my head on his chest while he rests his head on my head.
We cuddle for ages until Rye gets a call from Andy.

"hey mate"

"where are you?"


"you need to come back to the flat so we can clean and get ready for going back home tomorrow"

"ok mate I'll be there soon"

"see ya later"

"bye"he hangs up.

"you need to go don't you"I frown.

"I do"

"I'm gonna miss you for the next couple of week"

"I'll miss you as well"we stand up and he hugs me.

"bye sophie"he pecks my lips.

"bye Rye"

"remember I'll wait for you"

"I know"Im still frowning.

He leaves then that's it he's gone. Only for 2-3 weeks but for me that's ages away. I miss him already so I text Ella.

'hey ella'

'hey,how yous'

'not great'

'whats up?'

'come over? Please'

'ok be there soon'

Ella arrives.

We sit down on my bed and talk.

"so you know I like rye"


"we kissed and I told him I wasn't ready for a relationship so he said he would wait"

"ok that's super cute but why aren't you happy about it"

"I am but he's gone back home for two weeks so I won't be able to see him and ever since he kissed me I've had even stronger feelings for him"

"ring him every night then"

"no because I don't wanna sound desperate"

"has he left yet"

"no he leaves tomorrow"

"why don't we go down tomorrow and surprise him and then I can see Andy before he leave then"


We decide to have a sleepover so we head to ellas house to collect her stuff then we come back to mine. We watch movies and YouTube while eating pizza then we sleep.

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