Mr. and Mrs. Bing

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The title does not mean they are was just easier writing it like that I guess.

So here it is...

Monica and Chandler are teachers at Lincoln High. They are both single and it's their students that try to get them together. But there is one student in particular that has Chandler focused on more than a relationship.

I'm hoping that this story won't get too confusing with you all. There are six students that I am going to focus on. Alice, John, Cameron, Christina, Sam and Tony. Three are Monica's students and three are Chandler's. But don't worry, this is and always will be a Mondler fic :)

"Mr. Bing, do you know Ms. Geller?" One of his students, John, asked during a lesson.

It was really easy getting Mr. Bing off subject. One class period they talked about Saw 2 all hour instead of the new geometry lesson.

Chandler smiled from John's question "Yes, I know Ms. Geller. We are actually really good friends." He replied, as he started looking through his desk for his workbook so he could write today's problem on the board.

"So, would you ever consider going out with her?" Alice piped up, smiling as she and a few other girls leaned forward on their desks.

Chandler cracked another smile "I think we are getting off subject." He said grabbing the book from the bottom drawer and opening it up. Chandler knew his and Monica's private life was none of their business, but he thought it was cute how they would try to set them up sometimes. Knowing that they were one of the few teachers in the school that weren't dating anyone. Rather, one of the few attractive teachers in this school that weren't dating anyone.

He walked over to the board and started writing down the problem. cosb+-(-b-4ac)/2a "Alright, can anyone tell me why we can't solve this yet?"

Michelle raised her hand "Mr. Bing, don't we need values?" She asked

"Great job, we need values." He wrote them on the board a=2 b=4 c=1

The day went on like any other normal Tuesday, the occasional raised hand, a few whining moans as he called out the 20 problems due the next day, and of course no school day was complete without a jammed locker.

Monica was starting to pack up for the night as she made sure she got all her test in her briefcase. Just before she could close the case Chandler knocked on her door. "Hey can I come in?" He asked

Seeing him brought a smile to her lips "Yeah, I'm just about to leave though."

"Oh that's fine." He walked over to her desk and sat in her chair "I just need to borrow your computer..." He started typing

"Chandler, you have your own computer in your classroom." She pointed out

"Yeah, but I like the feel of your chair better." He started moving from side to side "It's really comfy. What is this, burgundy?" He examined the seat

Monica rolled her eyes "Just lock up when you're done." She reminded him, already running late to meet her mother


Monica moved to the door with her purse, briefcase and empty coffee mug in hand.

"Oh, Mon?" He called after her before she got too far away.

She turned around and raised her eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.

"Are we still on for tonight?"

She smiled "Yeah, I'll meet you at Central Perk at six." She said leaving "If I'm not there I'm probably lying in a ditch on the side of the road from being with my mother too long." She told him dramatically

Mr. and Mrs. BingWhere stories live. Discover now