Second date

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"Chandler, do you ever think about coaching the boys baseball team?"

Chandler looked over at Cameron doing his math homework "Coaching?"

He nodded, looking up from his book.

Chandler shrugged "I never really thought about it." He said "Why?"

It was Cameron's turn to shrug "I was thinking about trying out."

"You should."

"I don't know though..." He said unsure

"Why not?"

"I'm not good enough." He moved his gaze back to his assignment "Besides, I think they already started."

"They did not start. You can try out, and if you really want I'll even be the assistant coach."

Cameron looked up "Really?"

Chandler nodded "Sure."


"But first," He moved over to his side "We need to get this done." Chandler said referring to the book in front of them.

"Can I go over to John's house tomorrow night?" Cameron asked Chandler at dinner.

Chandler looked up "Sure, I don't see why not."

"Thanks." He smiled

"Is it just John that will be there?"

"No, his parents will be there too. And Tony, Christina...Sam..." He stopped clearing his throat "And Alice."

He smiled "You gonna give Alice her present then?"

"No!" He said quickly "I can't do that with everyone there."

Peyton smiled "Cam's got a girlfriend."

"I do not!" He shot at her

"You like Alice."

"Stop saying that!" He raised his voice

Peyton moved back in her chair surprised by his outburst.

He sighed "I don't wanna talk about it."

Chandler nodded "That's fine."

Friday night Cam was at John's house. His parents left, leaving six teenagers on their own for a couple hours.

"What are we gonna do?" Alice asked everyone around as they all sat on the couch and floor of John's basement

"How about we watch a movie?" Cam suggested

"No, I have a better idea..." Sam smiled, standing up and writing everyone's name on a piece of paper. "Okay, there are three boys and three girls. Seven minutes in heaven." She said excitedly and John nodded along.

Christina stood up "I am not going in a closet with any of these guys for seven minutes. Come on, we are just friends, it would be gross."

Alice was the next to stand up and went off to the side with the other two "What are you doing?" She asked sharply

"Come on Ally, you know you want to go in there with Cam. I'm just trying to help you out."

"I don't need your help." She hissed "I am perfectly fine with just watching a movie."

Sam paused "Oh..." She smiled "I get it. You just wanna watch, a movie." She winked at her

Alice rolled her eyes and went to go sit back down next to Cam.

"I guess we are playing this game then..." Sam continued

A while later they were closing the door to the closet.

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