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"Ms. Geller?"

"Yes, Sam?" She asked as she looked up from her text book as she was trying to figure out what page they left on the day before.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked causing everyone else to look up at her.

"Do I have a boyfriend?" Monica repeated

Sam nodded.

Monica chuckled "No, not at the moment." She looked back down at her book, flipping a page.

"Do you want a boyfriend?"

Monica sighed looking up at her class "What's this about?" She asked

"Mr. Bing was asking about you." She lied, seeing what her reacting might be.

Monica was taken back. Why would Chandler ask about her? It's not like they aren't close friends and wouldn't share everything with one another. "Yeah. What did he say?" She asked suddenly intrigued.

Sam looked over at Christina next to her "If you were free this Friday..."

Monica smiled "Nice try Sam." She brought her book up to the podium after finding the page. Knowing they were already hanging out this Friday, Monica continued to flip through the pages.

She sighed "Come on Ms. Geller, you two are perfect for each other. The whole school thinks so." She argued

Monica finally met eyes with her. She looked around the room at each one of her students as a few of them nodded. "I don't think it would work between us. We are just friends. Nothing more."

"You know, friends pull pranks on each other." Tony piped up from the corner of the room.

Monica shook her head "We're going to get in trouble. We need to get to work."

The whole class started to moan.

Monica sighed "Alright, fine..." She went over to her door and shut it, making sure no one would over hear.

Chandler was in the middle of teaching his lesson when a student walked in "You mind if I take a test in here?" Sam asked, holding a blank piece of paper.

"Sure, find an empty seat." He told her

Chandler was about to resume his lesson when another student walked in "Can I take a test in here?" Christina asked, trying to hide her smile.

Chandler nodded "Yeah, go ahead." He motioned for her to have a seat. Going back to his white board, Chandler starting to write down the answers from yesterdays homework when there was a small knock on the door. "Do you have room for me to take a test in here?" A student asked

Chandler looked around for anymore empty seats.

"Are you guys from the same class?"

They all nodded their heads.

"Whose class?"

They kept quiet as a smile crept on his face. He began to laugh at Monica's joke and went over to a student that just walked in to look at their "test". His grin stayed fixed as he saw that it was blank "That's a good one." He nodded "Let's see what she does if Kim...had a test to take also." He pointed to Kim to stand up "Go into Ms. Geller's class and ask to take a test in there. Alright?" He picked up a blank test sheet "Take this."

Kim smiled and walked out.


John smiled "Alright, I'm gonna go take a test." He jumped up and down.

"I think that's the most excited you have ever been for a test."

"Don't worry Mr. Bing, it won't happen again." John took a paper and headed out the door.

Mr. and Mrs. BingWhere stories live. Discover now