Part 1

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15 months later

"Cam, honey, not too fast. You know your asthma can't handle all that." Monica told him as they were on their way to his baseball game. "Slow and steady will get you there just as good."

"Mon, he can't walk to first base." Chandler reminded her as he drove them to the fields. "You got your inhaler in case though, right?" He looked back at him in the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, it's in my bag. Where it always is." He replied texting Alice who was on her way to the game along with Sam; John's girlfriend.

"Do you have enough water? Because we can always stop and get some." She said "We've got time."

Chandler took his hand off the wheel and put it on her knee "We've got a whole jug for the team." He told her "Don't worry so much. Nothing is going to happen. You just sit in the dugout and keep score."

"Nothing is going to happen. Really?" She looked over at him "Do you not remember last game?"

"Of course I remember it...we won!" He smiled and reached his hand back which Cameron slapped.

Monica rolled her eyes "The other teams pitcher passed out from the heat." She looked back at Cameron "Now, if you feel hot just call time out and I'll come out with a cool rag. You can just-"

"We're here." Chandler cut her off as he parked the car in front for them to get out.

Monica sighed "You'll both be laughing when you pass out.."

"Hey Peyton, how's it going?" Sam and Alice sat down next to her on the bleachers.

"It's going good." She smiled and took a drink of her water Monica got her recently.

"Did we miss anything?" Alice asked

She shook her head "It hasn't started yet."


Sam, beside her, started to put some sun tan lotion on "Do you know if this stuff expires?" She asked, looking at the bottle in her hands

"I don't know. But if it does, you will most likely turn orange." Alice joked, smiling. She laughed when she heard Peyton start to giggle beside her.

"That's really funny girls. But I won't be the one laughing when you two can't move because you are burnt so badly."

Alice dropped her smile "At least I'm not sick."

Sam spread out her legs in front of her and started to apply more. "Isn't it weird that Christina is sick on the same day that Tony is?.."

Alice looked over at her "You don't think..."

Sam shrugged

"They don't even like each other."

"You never know. I mean, a girls gotta get some-"

"Sam!" Alice scolded "Don't say that in front of Peyton."


"I'm eight guys." Peyton reminded them "I know what you're talking about."

Alice's eyes went wide "You do?"

She nodded "Of course. Chris is sick, she has gotta get some medicine."

Sam and Alice started to laugh

Peyton smiled "Am I right?"

They nodded "Absolutely right."

"Pey, come here a minute." Chandler called her over.

Peyton jumped down off the bleachers and over to her dad.

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