One step forward, Two steps back

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"Mr. Bing no!"

"I'm gonna do it..."

"No." John laughed

"Here we go..." Chandler stood up on his wobbly chair "It's really dusty up here." He moved to stand on his desk "Cam, light bulb."

Cameron passed him the spare light bulb.

All his students were shielding their eyes, praying he didn't fall.

"What if Ms. Geller walked in right now?" Alice asked, hoping she would so he'd get down.

"She would kill me." Chandler said reaching up.

For weeks this light bulb has been out. He tried reporting it but they never came to replace it. Eventually, he got irritated with the thing and decided to fix it himself. Besides, how hard could it be?

"Johnny, go get her." Alice said

He nodded, standing up and heading for the door.

"John, sit down." Chandler said, reaching up further.

"Mr. Bing, I don't want to see you fall..." He hesitated, not sure whether he should leave or stay.

"Mr. Bing, I think we should go get Ms. Geller." Cameron said at his side.

John left the room before Mr. Bing could stop him again.

"Ms. Geller, Mr. Bing needs you for a minute." He said, going into her room.

"Okay." She looked back at her class. "Just keep working, I'll be right back." She followed John out of her classroom "What is it?"

He led her back to his class.

Monica gasped "What are you doing?" She went over to him

Chandler looked down at Monica "I'm fixing my light bulb..." He said, clenching his teeth the further up he reached. This was higher than he estimated.

"That is what the janitors are for."

"No, I've asked them to fix this two weeks ago." He stepped down with the little help from Cameron.

"And you guys let him do this?" Monica looked at his class as she pointed back at Chandler.

"He wouldn't listen to us." Alice said

Monica looked back at Chandler "Out in the hall."

Chandler put down the light. "Keep an eye on that, I've only got one." He told them before following her out.

Cracking the door behind him, he smiled "You're cute when you're mad." He moved closer to her.

"Chandler, you can't be doing stuff like this in front of your class." Monica said, ignoring the last thing he said.

"Mon, I wasn't doing anything bad. It's not like I was smoking or lighting a fire. I was changing a light bulb."

"What would have happened if you fell?" She asked "No one could help you, you would be in the hospital or even paralyzed."

"Okay, don't you think you're being a little over dramatic?" He asked, not taking this seriously.

"How is this for over dramatic..." Monica started walking away "I have to get back to my class."

Chandler watched her disappear in the room two doors down. "That's beautiful..." He tease.

"Are you sure this is okay?"

"Yeah man, totally. Besides, I don't think Erin is going anywhere for awhile." Joey winked at him as he finished packing up his final box.

"Thanks. And careful with that dog. Remember, feed him four times a day, not three." He joked as the movers carried out the plastic dog from the apartment.

Cameron was in Joey's old room, now his, looking through his old CD's "I can have all of these?" He asked

"Yep, and don't forget about the radio, need to play them in something." He smiled

"Thanks Joe."

Joey walked out of his room for the final time "Hey, did you hear about Rachel and Joshua?"

"Roughly." He said "I knew they were having problems and trying to revive them."

"Not anymore, they decided it was best to just separate and save the time knowing it was just going to lead to more fighting."

"Oh," He said surprised "I didn't hear that."

Joey nodded. "Yeah, so when you see her don't ask where Joshua is." He informed him.

"It's pretty weird, you giving me advice." Chandler said surprised "What did Erin do to you?" He joked

"She made me realize it's time to settle down." He smiled "Speaking of the girlfriend..." He looked at his watch "I better get going. We got reservations at 7." He started for the door, followed by Chandler.

"Wow, reservations on a Wednesday night?" He questioned "Don't let her go."

"I don't plan to." He smiled "I'll catch you later. Keep those kids under control." He said before leaving.

"Don't worry about us, you just worry about making that girlfriend you're fiancée." He called after him

"Just a few more days..."

"Mon, are you sure this is okay?" Rachel asked for the tenth time that night.

"Rach, I'm positive. Besides, I have an empty room with no one occupying it." She assured her as Rachel put down her suitcase on the spare bed. "Plus, you need help with this little one..." Monica gushed, rocking the baby in her arms.

"Thanks, this means a lot. And I promise you once we find a place we will be out of your hair." She assured her.

"Take your time." Monica waved it off

They moved to the kitchen where Monica got them both a water before sitting down "I don't want to stand in yours and Chandler's way any longer than I have to."

Monica decided to change the subject, tired of her explaining that she won't be here long. "When is Joshua taking her?"

"We decided on the weekends, or every other night." She sighed "God, it's already sounding like we are getting divorced but we aren't even married."

Monica smiled softly "It'll be fine. And if you need any space or help with her you just call me. I'd be glad to take her off your hands for a while."

Rachel smiled "Thanks."

"What about this one?" Cameron asked, looking at the display of jewelry.

"I like that one..." Chandler scanned a little further.

"You can just say you don't like it." Cameron sighed

"Okay, it's hideous." Chandler laughed "You aren't picking out jewelry for your eighty year old grandmother. He pointed out "it's for a girl you like."

Cameron looked at him "Well, you don't have to push me in front of a bus when you say it...just say you don't like it."

Chandler rolled his eyes "Just pick out one that you think she'd like. It doesn't have to be expensive, bulky...or ugly, just something small and simple, something that she will wear."

"What about this one?"

Chandler walked over to the display and smiled "Now, that is perfect."

I'm sorry it's not all that long, probably not all that great either but I really can't think straight right now so until next time...

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