Studying for Finals

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A week before Christmas.

The year was coming to a close and that meant finals.

Chandler had been working with his class and playing review games to get them prepared for the big test.

They were split up in groups of four or three. The teams were given small slits of paper with equations written on them. Those equations matched with the answers on other slits of papers. Together, each group had seven small pieces of papers; one answer didn't match with any. Once they get an answer they were to bring it up to Mr. Bing to get checked. If it was right, he would give them another equation to do, if wrong, they have to continue trying. They have ten minutes before time runs out. The group that answers the most equations right in those ten minutes wins a free milkshake for lunch.

Two doors down, Monica's class was having silent study hall. As her class sat there silently they started to hear a distant yelling.

Trying to ignore it, Monica continued to read her book.

Just a couple seconds went by and she couldn't concentrate any longer with the noise being heard a few doors down.

"Ms. Geller, can you please shut the door?" One of her students asked, also hearing the noise from down the hall.

Monica stood up and went to the door. When she closed it she realized the sounds did not get much quieter.

Without warning, she left her class and walked down the hall.

Monica barged in his classroom and saw what seemed like a dance off being played in the middle of the floor. There were desks moved and pushed up against other desks, where students carelessly sat upon.

Monica walked over to a loud group of children that was supervised by Chandler. She grabbed his arm and turned him around.

"What is going on?" She asked him firmly.

"He motioned behind him tie breaker." He told her

"Do you realize..." She was cut off by more yelling "Do you-" She sighed, frustrated "Forget it."

She started walking away.

"No, Monica...wait." Chandler stopped her. He turned around, facing his class. "Yo! Quite!" He yelled

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked up at Mr. Bing.

Chandler looked back at an upset Monica

"What were you saying?" He asked calmly

Monica shook her head "You are unbelievable." She turned and walked out of the room.

"Hey..." Chandler once again stopped her "Talk to me."

Monica turned around "What is going on?" She asked softly, not talking about his aggressively loud class this time, but rather, his behavior "Where is the sweet, kind, romantic Chandler that I fell in love with?" She asked "You seem like there is something on your mind but I can't help you if you don't let me. You say lets talk about it later but we never do."

"Mon, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. And I'm sorry for what I've done." He apologized without fully knowing the cause of his actions to make her this upset "I have a lot on my mind and I can assure you, you are the one thing that never leaves my mind. I think about you every hour of every day, every second of every minute. Because I love you and you are my world. I want to live with you, marry you, and grow old with you-"

"Chandler," Monica cut him off "Stop, you're gonna make me cry..." She smiled

He matched her smile "There it is, that's the smile I hardly see now."

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