Part 2

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Some reminders to refresh your memory: Cameron is a Senior, Peyton is now in...I'm going to say fifth grade :/ Monica and Chandler did get a new house just a few blocks down, they also were expecting twins.

Monica was in her new kitchen fixing four lunches and two snacks as Cameron was upstairs taking his morning shower while Chandler, her husband of four years, was getting their three year old twins up and ready. As for Peyton, she was sitting in front of her mom eating a bowl of cereal while trying to finish her math homework; Monica was giving her another lecture about waiting until the last minute to finish her homework.

"For now on, right after school you do your homework. No TV, no friends. It's homework before anything else." She handed her her sack lunch that she packed.

"I forgot." She tried to argue, even though it was the same excuse she used every day.

"Maybe Mrs. Rose is going to have to call me and let me know if she sent out homework-"

"No!" She quickly stopped her "I'm sorry, I'll remember next time."

Cameron came in the kitchen with damp hair "Forgot again, Pey?" He teased, taking his lunch from the counter and shoving it in his bag.

"Hey." Monica stopped him "See," She sighed "That is why your lunch is always smooched."

Cameron took it out and held it instead. "I need one of those sandwich containers." He commented

"Yeah, I bet Alice would love that." Peyton chuckled

He scrunched up his face and mimicked her "Yeah, I bet Alice would love that..."

Monica sighed when her three year old son ran to her "Mommy, Daddy needs you." He called

She picked him up and before leaving looked at her other kids "Peyton finish your homework, Cameron eat. We need to go." She said, before walking up the stairs and to the twins rooms where her husband was on the floor. "What are you doing?" She asked, balancing Bradley on her hip.

"I can't find Joel's lion." He said, looking under the beds.

"Honey, did you check our room?" She asked, remembering how often Joel sleeps in there over night.

Chandler stood up and grabbed Joel who was already dressed and sucking his thumb.

Finding the lion on the floor he picked it up and handed it to Joel. "See, told you Daddy would find it."

He took the lion and rubbed his eyes that were red from sleep.

Monica noticed that Joel hardly smiled as he always did when he saw his lion. She moved closer and felt his forehead "Sweetie, you feeling okay?" She asked softly, running her hand down his cheek.

Joel rested his head on his fathers shoulder where Chandler kissed it.

"I don't think he is running a fever." He commented "He's probably just tired."

Walking downstairs Monica finished putting the twins snacks in their bag for day care as Chandler grabbed a cup of coffee and his lap top.

"Dad, I can't find my other shoe..." Cameron said, looking around

"That's because Bradley has it." He took another drink of his freshly poured coffee.

The three year old laughed as he ran around trying to keep it away from his older brother.

Cameron quickly grabbed him and took the shoe out of his grip causing Bradley to cry right away "Nooo!" He sank to the floor at Cameron's feet.

"Cam, did you eat?" Monica asked

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