Losing his Flower

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"Tony, did you finish the assignment in math?" Christina asked, walking up to him in the hall.

Tony fumbled with his book as he opened it to the page that they were assigned. "No, I can't figure out the last one. I spent almost an hour on it and I just gave up." He shook his head "I think I'm going to ask Mrs. Bing about it later."

She nodded "Oh, Okay." She continued to walk beside him to lunch.

He noticed the nervousness in her voice "Is that all you wanted to ask me?"

She glanced over at him "Well, no. But it doesn't matter."

"Tell me." He pushed forward

Christina hesitated "I-umm..." She paused "I was actually wondering if you wanted to go to the game-with me-tonight?"

They entered the lunch room and it began to get louder. "I-" He stopped when he couldn't yell over everyone.

"What?" Christina asked, leaning in further.

"I was saying that-" Tony sighed "That I..."

Christina shook her head, not knowing what he was saying.

Tony turned around and faced everyone "Quiet!" He yelled

The noise subsided and Tony faced Christina once more "I would love to go with you to the game." He smiled

John walked in a second later with Cameron. "Why you guys standing here smiling like fools?" He asked

Christina blushed slightly and Tony chuckled nervously as they all walked over to their table.

"You guys going to the game?" Cameron asked everyone

They looked at each other with a smile on their face.

John and Cameron noticed the looked and wondered what was up.

"I take it you two have more homework to do before the game?" Cameron asked

Tony shook his head and started eating his sandwich "No, we're going."

"Where are Sam and Ally?" Christina asked

John looked towards the door then back at Cam "They told us they would meet us in a few minutes." He shrugged

Alice walked down the hall with Sam by her side.

"So, you guys have been together since freshman year?" Sam tried to comprehend what Alice was telling her.

She smiled

"And you think you two may be-"

"I don't know." Alice cut her off "I mean," She paused "I love him. I think we are ready."

Sam's mouth dropped open "I can't believe you want to do it with Cameron Bing!" She gasped "I mean, freshman year he barely talked to anybody."

Alice smiled "I know."

"Cam, we are about to leave for the game." Monica yelled up at him.

When she didn't hear an answer she walked up and into his room.


He saw his mom walk in and started making a painful grunting sound.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She sat down close to him.

He closed his eyes for a little while "I think I may have what Joel had..." He winced in pain

Monica felt his forehead "You don't seem to have a fever." She paused "Do you want me to stay home with you?"

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