The Hot Pink Paper

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"Are they really going to keep us here?" John stretched back in his chair. "What ever happened to getting off on holidays?"

"John, it's just National Poptart Day." Chandler pointed out

"Exactly!" He stood up from his desk and walked to the front of the class "And what do we know about these Poptart's?" He asked as he started pacing "The question stands at..Poptart's?" He tapped his chin as he started to think.

"This is math class John, not lunch. Sit down." Alice said

Everyone chuckled

"But I'm hungry." He whined

"I got 4 kids at home that whine when they are hungry I don't need one more." Chandler commented

Everyone looked back at Cameron.

"Come on Mr. Bing, isn't there a game we could play?" John asked next

Chandler shook his head "I'm sorry, but we need to get this work done, first. We are already behind Mrs. Bing's class."

"What if Mrs. Bing was distracted then we would be on the same level, right?" He suggested

"No." He said "We have to focus."

It was silent for a while when Chandler put the lesson on the board.

John looked around not being able to sit still "Say, Mr. Bing, how are your kids doing?"

Everyone sighed "Shut up, John!"

Chandler turned around "Do you want to run the attendance down to the office for me?" He offered

"Are you kidding," John stood up "I would love to do that for you. Anywhere but here." He grabbed the attendance "Do you mind if I stop by the vending machine, get a poptart-"


"Mrs. Bing, what are we doing today?" Christina asked

"Well." She smiled and stood up from her desk to her podium "Since you guys are doing such a great job I thought I would treat you to a movie." She smiled

"Really?" They all smiled

"Really?" Christina repeated "You think we are doing good?"

Monica nodded

"I thought I did terrible on my last assignment." She commented

"No, of course you didn't."

Christina thought about it before she realized why they were having a break from math "We are ahead of everyone else, aren't we?"

She nodded "Yep. Which is why I brought two movies to choose from."

"What movies?" Tony asked

Monica walked over to her bag and went to grab them when she saw what movies she had brought.

"Oh my God." She smiled to herself.

"What?" Sam asked, leaning closer on her desk.

Monica took out the two movies "My kid must have switched them."

"Cameron?" Sam asked

"No, but I bet he taught my other son how to trick their parents..." She said as she held 'The Incredibles' and 'Die Hard' her son's and husband's favorite.

Sam gasped "Can we please watch The Incredibles!"

"Maybe, just excuse me for a minute." Monica walked out the room and two doors down.

Chandler was writing on the board when there was a soft knock at the door. "Yeah?"

He turned to see who it was and smiled when he saw it was his wife.

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