Taking a chance

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Oh my God! I completely forgot I posted this story here until...well five minutes ago. Sorry, here is the next chapter!

"Let's go." They hurried back to the table to tell the other three and the six of them rushed out of the lunch room and back to Ms. Geller's classroom door.

"Did you really mean what you said?" Monica asked, not turning away from him for one second

He nodded "Just as much as you did." He said softly, not able to make eye contact

"Would you ever ask me out?"

Chandler nodded "I wouldn't think twice about it."

"Then why haven't you?"

Chandler shrugged "I guess I've been afraid." He said truthfully as he stared at a very interesting piece of lent on the floor.

"Afraid of what?" Monica pushed him further.

"Losing you." He looked up at her

Monica tilted her head "Chandler, you could never lose me." She told him softly "Whatever did happen between us...you would still be my best friend."

"Aside from Rachel." He smiled

"Before Rachel." She corrected


She smiled "Yes, really. I couldn't imagine life without you by my side."

Chandler couldn't believe all these years and she had feelings for him too. Her eyes were sparkling as he couldn't bring himself to look away. "Tomorrow."

Monica was confused, her smile slowly disappearing "What's tomorrow?"

As for Chandler he couldn't stop smiling "Our date."

The bell rang which meant lunch was over and their classes would be returning soon.

The six students quickly left the door and walked down the hall to Cameron's locker which was closest to Mr. Bing's classroom.

"Do you think it worked?" Alice asked, leaning against the metal lockers

"I hope so. Did you not see the connection between them back there?" Tony pointed behind him

They all nodded

"I think that survey opened up some true feelings between them." Christina added

Cameron nodded "It got them to see what the other felt about them."

Sam smiled

The minute bell rang and Cameron closed his locker "We should get back to class before we're tardy." John spoke up.

"Mr. Bing, do you have any siblings?" Cameron asked as he sat in Chandler's apartment a few days later during his tutoring session.

Chandler looked up from his teacher book "No I don't." He told him

"Oh." Cameron looked back down at his worksheet.

"Is something wrong with your sister Cam?"

Cameron hesitated before telling him "They're thinking about splitting us up." He said softly "They said that I'm a bad influence on her."

"What? Why?" Chandler asked, both shocked and angry.

"Because of my grades. And the fights that I get in."

Chandler was speechless. He knew that both of those things weren't any part of his fault. He isn't a bad kid once you get to know him. He struggles because of what he has been through. "When are they thinking about taking her away?"

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