15. Uber Disaster

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Pruthvi's face was stuck in an incredulous expression-blood draining, unblinking stare, mouth open and heart racing. He was still looking through the lens, his brain completely jammed gazing at his friend after a complete span of five month. Tyrell still had his sight met with Pruthvi's when he suddenly stepped back and disappeared from his camera's frame.

"What's wrong?" asked Leena, as Pruthvi removed his strap of his camera out of his neck and handed it over to her.

"I'll be back," he gasped and dashed in a headlong speed without caring what this movement might lead to. He hated to ignore Leena's disgruntled expression and to be unable to fill her with the information, but he did not comprehend that he had time for it.

Running swiftly all over the corridor of the amphitheater, Pruthvi was stubborn enough to not take his eyes off the throng that began to scatter, giving a free way to one person trying to escape. Tyrell was running ahead, towards the end of the corridor and dashed into the door that contained the staircase leading towards the exit of the amphitheater.

"Tyrell! Wait!" Pruthvi shouted out of his impulse, his heart thrumming in his chest. Many heads among the audience craned over to look at him as the one causing disturbance in the middle of their celebrations. Pushing a few of the people out his way he reached the spiral staircase, that Tyrell had used, and followed his instincts to descend down taking a couple of steps at a time. There was a sudden shift in the smell-heavy and festering, in this closed section that Pruthvi quickly grasped and refused to forgo.

Reaching out of the amphitheater, Pruthvi looked around, smelling the certain odor he thought that belonged to his friend. He was sure he had seen a glint of a person in black, amidst of all wearing white, running towards the rocky area. Without further delay, not caring the knights who were watching him run in a hurry, he increased his pace now running far away from the amphitheater.

"Tyrell! Please, wait!" he shouted again on finally finding his friend who was still at quite a distance away. But Tyrell did not turn around, neither his momentum slowed down hearing his former friend's voice.

"Earthly Bind!" Pruthvi commanded his Emerald and the rocks shot up in the form of a hard stony cage right in front of Tyrell.

But to his utter surprise, even after creating a hurdle, Tyrell did not stop. It was as if he wanted to run right through the cage.

"Electric Cutter Formation!"

His friend's voice, strong and restrained, made goosebumps explode all over Pruthvi's skin. Razor sharp lightning spikes emerged out Tyrell's fingers and the cage divided into two, collapsing down like a shattered building.

Adrenaline crossed all over Pruthvi's system, he felt his anger piling up due to his incompetence to match his pace with his friend. He eyes began to burn and muscles contracted. He was changing, he felt himself using his alternate kinetic power. His body stooping down towards the ground, his hands and legs turning into brown hairy limbs, his clothes magically disappearing.

Pruthvi was now running after his friend in the form of completely turned giant hound.

His pace automatically increased. He was getting closer to Tyrell. He growled fiercely, his impulse demanding him to leap over and push Tyrell down on the ground.

But before he could do any of such things, Tyrell abruptly stopped at the spot and turned around to face him. Panting heavily, yet keeping his face straight, he casually lifted his hand and pointed at the hound's head.

Pruthvi squealed, forcing a sudden halt to his sprint, that only gave him extra physical strain. He fell on the ground completely, dust lifting off on the contact. Then he realized that he was hit by sudden migraine struck in his temples, his nerves in his brain exploding. He couldn't keep up with the pulsating sensation that threatened to crack open his skull. And the Theroekenisis in him had to give up. His body automatically transformed yet again, growing back into his normal humanly shape.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now