17.1 Bygones

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"Tyrell was there to stop the wedding?" Leena asked, in a hushed tone, eyebrows raised and eyes distended.

Pruthvi looking aside, at their sleeping companions in this dimly lighted carriage. He then nodded at Leena swallowing a large chunk of his bread.

"I am not really sure," he whispered, tilting his head making sure that only Leena was able to hear their conversation, "But I think Tyrell was somehow trying to drive us away from the disaster."

After he repeated Tyrell's exact words, Leena's lips curled, trying to manage a deadpan expression. She looked down, eyebrows creased in contemplation and her messed up hair screened her face. She nibbled her own slice of bread and did not care to look up at him for a long time.

Pruthvi bent down a little to dollop the sour cream over his bread and ate it till his stomach satisfied. King Aghasthya traveling along with them has helped them a lot. His presence added much-required benefit in purchasing a few necessary items from Madhyakshetra's marketplace, everything they might need for their tentative three-day-long journey. A necessary stop at a nearby infirmary had given Dhanunjay's father a basic two-hour first aid treatment, that assured to keep him safe from a life-threatening condition.

More than ten hours passed by since they had set out on a full non-stop journey to Dakshinpur. It was nearing dusk, and the three gentlemen, King Aghasthya, Dhanunjay and his father called it a day and drifted off into deep slumber. This finally gave Pruthvi and Leena a much needed time for themselves to catch up.

"Pruthvi," said Leena finally, pushing her hair back, "Remember when Doctor explained to me everything about the relationship between Shaatrumani and the Opal user?"

"Yeah, what about it?" he asked casually and uninterested.

"Doctor mentioned that it might be a myth but it is believed that it was first opal users unconditional love towards his brothers and sister that forced him to block the curse placed on the Enemy stone."

Pruthvi frowned, derailed. "What are you trying to say?"

"Maybe Tyrell has leftover feelings for us," she said, expectantly, "I mean for the four of us. He knew if anything happens to Lithika, I might not be able to tolerate it."

"That's absurd," Pruthvi said immediately, shaking his head,  "Don't forget he blasted our academy as if it meant nothing to him."

"Maybe there is something in it he wants to tell us, alert us about. Because he knew very well that such deeds will not harm us in any way. And look he was trying to save my sister...my sister."

"It's not right," Pruthvi hedged, his voice came out as nothing more than a high-pitched whisper. All the images of the poor dead people he had seen before the amphitheater flashed vividly before his eyes. "The way he chose to alert us about anything or anyone, is killing people. It might have also hurt Lithika."


"Rest of the world may die but my friends must be safe and happy-Leena, this attitude is not right," he stated firmly, squaring his jaw. "Don't blindly have his back, just because he was once your friend."

Pruthvi bit his tongue, watching Leena cringe, gaping at him unbelievably and disappointingly. Even though he meant whatever he just expressed, he didn't want it to come out sounding so harsh.

"Was? Pruthvi, Tyrell is our friend," she said, her voice turning brittle, "Has this job harden your heart so much that now you have started treating him as..."

"Tyrell is required to stop," Pruthvi interjected not wanting her to finish it, "Right now he is nothing but a dangerous delinquent. And maybe Shourya did give me a hint how to set him straight."

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now