9. Warnings and a Request

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"Where are they?" Pruthvi grunted, struggling to hold Hayden's and his own heavier bag, plus all the extra stuff he had received in the last minute before their escape. He shoved the envelope and the glossy paper Hayden had given him into his bag and zipped it tight.

He and Leena were standing at the entrance of the orphanage, close to the mermaid fountain. They were desperately waiting for their friend and his sister to come out safely. Pruthvi felt his insides squirm in a way he never felt before. This wait for them seemed to be for a lifetime and in this growing nervousness he was barely able formulate a thought about what could be taking them so long.

This menacing fire had created an impact even on the orphanage above their academy, dark gust of smoke pouring out of the windows, amidst the fiery flames. All the admins, the senior citizens and children had already rushed outside, their outraged wails signifying how extremely intimidated they were about their only habitat getting ruined. Majority of them were badly injured, the recently arrived ambulances taking care of them. Fire engines were called upon as well and the fighters were doing their best to put off the fire and save remaining of the survivors.  

"I am scared," said Leena, her eyes streaming looking at the commotion. "They should have come out already."

Pruthvi was striding here and there with a pace, scratching his head. Leena's worried expression heightened his own fear. He threw both the bags aside and went ahead to hold her hand. He was doing his best to calm himself and his girlfriend down. And before they could think of anything to do, they found Naomika running hurriedly towards them.

"Are you coming or not?" she demanded as she got closer.

The Breaking Samagraha were firm on their decision. They were indeed leaving. All of them had already aboard the bus and while escaping from the academy, Pruthvi and Leena were also asked to join them to which they hesitated to give a reply.

"You go," Leena shouted before Pruthvi could respond, "We are not coming with you."

"Thank you," snapped Naomika, glaring at her and ran back towards the bus.

"Tools," mumbled Pruthvi, grudgingly beneath his breath watching the bus reversing and speedily driven away by Blythe.

Watching them leave, an unimportant and undeserving thought crossed his mind. They were never going to see any of the Breaking Samagraha ever again. Friends or not, they still had been living together under the same roof for many years, maintaining peace among them. But now everything was over.

Academy was truly broken.

"Pruthvi, what do we do?" Leena asked, her voice more like a high-pitch whisper.

At first he wanted to suggest her to use the water from the lake and help the fighters. She needed an exceptional amount of water for this stubborn fire to put off. But he wasn't sure, his nervousness not allowing him to decide if this was the right thing to do in the open world where they weren't allowed to get exposed.

His heart sank, only with the thought that they were homeless.

He looked into her scared eyes and pulled her closer to wrap her in his embrace. His own eyes began to fill realizing how alone they were. They had no place to go, no place to live. Doctor and Ira weren't in the academy to help them travel to Dakshinpur, the place they truly originated from. It was his mistake-last evening when Doctor had suggested them to join him in helping King Aghasthya for the marriage preparations, Pruthvi had implored that it would be best for them to leave for Dakshinpur only the day before the wedding. He needed time to make a plan for this job he was given. He just couldn't be rash like Hayden was and on top of it, he had committed himself to take over Hayden's promise to bring Tyrell back.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now