39. They are back!

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We were standing outside at either side of the entrance of open cremation ground situated at the furthermost point of Doulat Haat.

Everything was grey and foggy, reflecting with our emotions. Sun was hidden behind the darkening clouds. It was chilly as it was supposed to be during the beginning of winter season. The large group had gathered before our arrival, a few silently griefing and the rest gossiping. The buzz was that many had locked themselves inside their huts, rejecting the invitation to give their final condolences. A living Doctor had failed to stop the recent commotions, and now that he was gone...

Pruthvi and I stood with many villagers, at the exact opposite side of Leena and Nazira who joined Ira Zutshi and my aunt. King Aghasthya announced that the Kings of the Paramarashtra were going to be here any minute and we ought to receive them before the ceremony began.

Pruthvi was quiet for so long, except occasionally letting out frustrated and muffled sighs. I wanted to talk to him about his sudden decision, to ask him about what Zarina had actually told him, but somehow I refrained intruding in his personal life. Things have been way too disturbing lately.

"Hello," said a familiar voice and it didn't belong to Leena. "How are you?"

Lithika, now the Princess of Narula Dynasty, came over and stood beside me. She was wrapped in a white saree from her head to toe, dark circles formed around eye making her look absolutely tired.

"I am okay," I replied, wishing everyone to stop asking me the out-of-place question.

Pruthvi peeked over to check and then began eavesdropping.

"I just wanted to share a news," she said, smiling weekly, "But I don't know if it is the right time, but here it goes -I am expecting a baby!"

I kept my eyes from widening and sucked my obvious reaction but Pruthvi couldn't. He blurted out.


I acted on my impulse and kicked him hard on his feet. He groaned, walking aside with a limp, tapping his leg to the ground. Everyone looked at us puzzled and that included Leena and Nazira. I did my best to avoid their confused stare.

"Well," I said to Lithika, trying to find the right words, "Good for you."

She smiled and turned aside to talk with her grandfather. I wondered if she was complaining about us.

"You could have just kept your mouth shut," I whispered angrily at Pruthvi when he came back.

"What was I supposed to say in the time like this?" he replied, "Way to go? Congratulations?"

"She wasn't talking to you," I retorted, "But, seriously...already? Out of all the words you know?

"Hey, it's not my fault that these people are crazy."

I shook my head in disbelief. But, no matter how awkward it was, the news atleast made Pruthvi talk in a normal routine insensitive way.

The whole area came into attention at once, whispers and murmurs becoming distant and slowly the whole area turned dead silent. Pruthvi and I bent over to watch a grand carriage halting, behind a couple of horses tapping their feet and neighing.

"That's my father- in law." whispered Lithika in my ears, when a tall and completely bald man got out of the vehicle, "King Bhupathi Garg, from Narula Dynasty, Madhyakshetra"

The man in a sparkling suit got down from the carriage. His bald head shiny and his wrinkled face round, jaw narrow, eyes- small, beady and dark. He walked elegantly towards the entrance, citizens bend down in respect. Garg family was the reason my grandmother and Nazira went through the torture for a prolonged period of time and people were respecting him. My eyes quickly sought for Nazira who was standing uncomfortably, nervously setting her veil straight watching the person and his family walking closer.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now