34.1 Vengeance Approval

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"Hey kid, wake up!

I pretended to hear nothing and continued to doze.

"Kid, it's about time."

Nope. Still sleeping.


"Huh! What?!"

I snapped my eyes open, a chilled shiver rippling over my skin as the thunderous roar suddenly broke out. For once I presumed if Nazira and I were transported from a marvellous and colourful dreamland to a spooky African Savannah. It took a few moments to analyze the current situation. I was slouched down on the ground against the wall of the hill and then impulsively moved forward, forgetting that Nazira was asleep with her head placed on my shoulder.

"Ow!" My sudden movement jerked her awake. She lost her balance and was falling aside when I quickly grabbed her arm and helped her stand with me.

"What the hell!" I grumbled, looking aside at Singh, "You had to do that?"

"Sleepyhead must be your friend," he mumbled.

I examined him as Nazira and I hurriedly walked closer. A smile spread across my face finding him as fit as he was before the challenge had commenced. Healed skin, his mane shining, limbs strong and ready to charge if necessary, his tail flicking in between the opened Gate. The brief rest he had taken must have had restored his vigour.

"Whoa," I said, feeling pleasure, "Look who cleaned up nicely!"

Nazira chuckled, having her fingers on her lips and eyes twinkling. Her idea of using the leaves of Vrindahina as a remedy worked out to our favour and she seemed proud of herself. The used leaves were all over the ground around Singh's paws, a few roasted and the rest still looked quite green and fresh.

"Do you even realize that you have less than a couple of hours to fight Shaytan Rup?" Singh asked.

My smile faded and I swallowed heavily. I lifted my head up to check on the sun, only to find it sunken lower in the sky. I had no idea how long I had spent wasting my time sleeping, but there was a vibe of the soon approaching deadline bewildering me with an array of emotions.

There was a lot I wanted to talk with Singh. My primary objective was to say anything that might have helped to mend fences with him. The time constraint had taken the opportunity away from me. There was nothing I could do now, except to finish this battle with Shaytan Rup and summon Singh to my universe once I returned- if he wanted to meet me ever again that is.

"You should have woken me up earlier," I said, rubbing my nape.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, guilty -as- charged. Now take the girl and leave. Pronto."

"Alright." I clasped my hand tightly with Nazira's and nodded at her. Her hand felt slightly trembling against my clammy palm. There was a glint of nervousness in both of us. I sighed heavily as I walked, instilling confidence. One more round, one important round and we would be off to home, to my friends, where everything must be happening as per planned.

We walked towards the Gate. I was almost about to jump and pull her with me when I heard his voice.


I froze, right in front of the Gate, my foot poised in mid-step. Nazira, almost bumping into me gaped incredulously at my sudden reaction. I turned around and stared at Singh in wonder. He moved slightly aside to give us some space to cross. At first, I thought if I was still fast asleep and dreaming about him talking with me in a friendly manner, or if this was a figment of my imagination I hardly might have ever pictured. This must be anything but real.

(Book 4) Hayden Mackay and The Fest of VrindahinaWhere stories live. Discover now