19.2 Reconcile

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"Right on time," Shourya Pradhan said folding his hands when the lights behind him closed. He looked exactly like the last they had seen, bulkier and fully covered with black robes.

"Pruthvi," said Leena, her voice shaking, "I think that's..."

"It's so good to see you Tanishka," Shourya continued, "Or should I say- Tanya."

Pruthvi's mouth dropped. Of course, it was her. He should hit himself for totally forgetting about Hayden's aunt living in Sharad's palace. Tanishka Thribhuvan and Shourya were having a twenty-plus-year-old unbidden history. Hayden's aunt childish mistake was the reason for Shourya to possess the kinetic power called Thereokinesis. And according to Hayden, Shourya hated to be unnatural and that he couldn't forgive his childhood friend for what he had gone through. And why not, wasn't it because of her that Shourya had to work for Shashi Thribhuvan?

"Oh my god!" Leena whispered, in trepidation, her breathe turning heavier as she watched the reconciling of the two old friends. The cool pleasant temperature now suddenly began to heat up.

"Is it?" Tanya asked dully, as she slowly pulled down the blanket from her head.

"Oh, you have no idea," replied Shourya, tilting his head and keeping his face expressionless. Maruthi settled on his shoulder and surprisingly stayed calm till the end of the conversation. "Of course, you look different than the last I saw you. You have grown old and you do not look royal anymore."

"Maybe the day you began tormenting me, was the day I lost my royalty."

"I tormented you?" Shourya scoffed, "I just wanted a chance to meet you for a small help, to just give me with some food and water. that's all. But just like everybody else you thought I was a monster in a killing spree. You know what, I don't want to talk about it or recollect the past anymore. I am so done with it. It's been more than twenty years now Tanishka, and I am used to living this way."

"Even I don't want to talk about it," said Tanya, her voice unapologetic, "But Hayden is all I am left with and I cannot let him be angry at me. He thinks it's my fault that you..."

Shourya sniggered. "You know why I always admired Sarakshi more than you? She was never too proud of her status, unlike you are. She desired to live a life of a common man and she is still living in the form of her son. Hayden Mackay doesn't only look like her, he also carries her heart, doesn't he?"

Pruthvi and Leena glanced at each other, as Leena gripped her hand around boy friend's arm. This wasn't going too well. With the tone Shourya was speaking, Pruthvi was sure Tanya had to do a lot better to seek his forgiveness.

"Shourya, what do I have to do to convince you?" said Tanya, "There should be something in the world that will make you forgive me. Name the price."

"She is crazy!" Leena whispered, gritting her teeth and Pruthvi couldn't accept more.

"Hmm," said Shourya, pursing his lips, "Looks like royalty in you didn't die yet."

"That's not how I meant."

"Cut the crap," Shourya said immediately now turning extremely serious, "As mentioned in the note I sent with Maruthi, let's just get to it. This is a business meeting, strictly business. You tell me everything I want to know and in return, you get what you want, for instance, forgiveness."

"What do you want to know?" said Tanya, her voice sounding confident.

"How were the relations between Rawat and Narula dynasties at the time when King Harsh was alive?"

Pruthvi took a step forward involuntarily. He was very well aware that both of them could be in trouble if they showed themselves to either Shourya or Tanya and in addition, he cannot, in any way, hinder their conversation. It did not seem personal anymore. It seemed something more, something that may or may not was relevant to Shashi Thribhuvan.

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