Jinyoung ~ Got7

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You sat quietly in the corner of the silent library. There were very few here, mostly students who's heads were all in a textbook or on a computer doing a research task.
There weren't many left like you anymore, those who found a calm solace in the quite isles of the local library. Where stories beyond your wildest dreams laid, those about romance, those about violence, those which told you about the world, the variations of text were endless, and you were one of the few, who truly appreciated them.

In the corner where you were sat, was a circle of beanbags next to a small sofa, which you were occupying in your lonesome. You weren't a loner as such, it's just that you were the only friend who truly enjoyed the library, like I said, those who enjoy books as you do are hard to find now.

The beanbags surrounding you had become dusty over time, them never having been touched to your knowledge as the librarians were to lazy to dust them every now and then. The couch you sat on was a bright red, when it was first installed, now it had faded to a rather dull colour, the arms being torn and the material rather murky and dirty.

The book in your hand was tattered and the writing on the cover barely visible, you knew the book was the Shakespearean classic, Romeo & Juliet. You had read it many times before, it was one of the few plays you actually appreciated, what could you say, it was your only way of finding romance after all, the young maiden falling in love with the enemy. It truly was a thing of fairytales, but that didn't stop you as you continued to read, again.

While you were emersed in the classic play, a shadow suddenly loomed over you, at first you ignored it, until the owner of the shadow cleared their throat. You looked up to see a young man stood looming over you.

"May i help you?" You asked solemnly, eager to get back into your book.
"May I sit here?" He inquired.
"If you must, however there are plenty of other seats in the vicinity you know" you reply rather harshly.

He just ignored your snide comment and sat by your side opening his own book and begining​ to read. You smiled to yourself having seen the cover while he was still standing, he was also reading Romeo and Juliet. After a short while you had finished the play, with a sigh you put the copy down and stretched your arms.

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" the voice of the young man who had been sat next to you suddenly comments.
"Have anything more original, and less well known" you comment scoffing.
"Well there is 'these violent delights have violent ends' however that doesn't suit what I was going to say" he adds with a smirk upon his lips
"Go ahead" you sigh, becoming more intrigued by the second, surprised that he actually could quote the play, without saying the typical things that others would use.
"I wish to know your name, and to see, if you are like a rose, as sweet as the beauty you behold" he leans over and whispers to you, leaving your mouth agape.

You have no clue how to respond, you didn't know if he was a fuck boy who'd just done his homework, or if he genuinely was a person like you. His handsome features suggested the first however his fashion sense of an oversized sweater and jeans paired with reading glasses suggested the latter.

Eventually you manage to let out a small whisper "Y/n" along with a small smile leading to him responding with a rather cocky "I'm Jinyoung. Park Jinyoung, and no, not the head of that idol company. Just your average bookworm."
This caused you to giggle shyly "well Park Jinyoung the average bookworm, I must be off, it's late and my mother is making my favourite pasta for dinner" you reply regaining your confidence before striding away and placing the play back in its spot.

Suddenly he comes up to you and grabs your wrist, "it's dark, I'll walk you" he says both smoothly but also slightly shyly, this for some reason made you smile. So you just nod as he returns his copy of the play before you exist the library together, him never letting go of your wrist.

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