E'Dawn ~ Pentagon

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⚠ Warning: includes criminal activity ⚠

"I'm 365 so fresh" you sang quietly as you were cutting your customers hair. You were nearly done when he suddenly grabs you. This leaves you in an absolute state of shock, you have no idea on what to do, and threaten him with shaking hands, holding a small knife. Suddenly he jumps at you and you swing the knife, cutting his neck. He drops to the floor bleeding out Heavily, you check his pulse. It's not there.

Towel. You think in a hurry, grabbing one and trying to clear up the pool of oozing blood from the floor, however it's no use. Internally you're freaking out like crazy and are lost on what to do. Eventually, you just run.

You run blindly, drenched in blood, mainly on your hands and knees from when you were kneeling in the blood trying to clean it up. You decide to run into the nearest club, going to the bathroom and cleaning up. I need to escape, you think, deciding to steal some method of escape.

You head up to the bar itself and snuggle yourself up to an obviously taken guy, grabbing his car keys of the bar, which he had stupidly left there. He shoves you away, allowing you t escape to the car park. Finding the car, you open it and get in, placing the key in the ignition and begining to drive away.

On the drive the roads were silent, until all that could be heard was a thud, and tires screeching.

Your car came to a halt. As you cautiously stepped out, on the road before you was a man laid down, cautiously you stepped towards him. He groaned and forced himself upwards, staggering a little as he stood.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing!" You screamed as he laughed
and tried staggering away. Your quick intuition lead you to grab his arm and pull him to your car with you. He didn't fight against it as you shoved him into the passenger's seat, got into your side and began to drive again.

Soon, it has surpassed daybreak and you'd arrived at a gas station. You both stepped out and checked the boot, inside were bags with hundreds and hundreds of notes, you looked to each other smiling, before buying gas and setting off again.

In the car ride, you eventually decided to ask why he'd stepped into the road. "I'm suicidal and dying" he stated simply, looking away out the window. However, before he turned his head you noticed the red circles below his eyes, it was obvious he was either ill or did drugs, you suspected it was both.

You arrived at a city, miles and miles from where you had begun, deciding too stay in a motel for the day, after you going to the nearest store to buy alcohol, and him going somewhere, promising to return with some fun stuff to do. You expected it to be weed, and you wasn't wrong.

You both stepped into the motel room, grabbed a bottle of alcohol each, and let the party begin. A few bottles in and he pulled out a joint each for you, you took it gladly, having done weed a couple of times in the previous years, him lighting yours when you moved exceptionally close to him.

You were both drunk and high, as you sat on his lap, not really thinking of what you were doing, you'd stripped your shirt some time back claiming it too have been too hot, leaving you in just a bra. He was still smoking a joint, as you moved closer to him. He took a drag before kissing you slowly. It felt odd but good, so you continued.

You woke up in a bed some time later, laying next to him, he noticed you'd awoken and got up, heading to the bathroom, you saw he'd been smoking before you woke and left the joint half finished, so decided to finish it. Noticing he'd been gone a while, you stepped out the bed and went to the bathroom too see what he was doing for yourself.

Stepping inside, you saw him with a bag on his head and a wire wrapped around it, he was obviously trying to suffocate himself. Before you could react and get him to stop, he was ripping the bag open for himself, gasping for air.

You walked out the bathroom deciding not to question it, before shouting to him that you'd both be going again soon. You had a bottle of beer each before abandoning the motel room, it being left trashed, as you headed to the car and set off to your next destination.

You really had no plan on where to go or what to do, you'd both decided to just go places and live your life to the fullest in the present, not knowing when thing's would end for either of you. It'd either him kill himself or you'd both be arrested for all the shit you'd done. Drugs, stealing, murdering were just the worst of what'd gone off so far.

At nightfall you'd reached a random city so decided to go party. You drank, and drank, and drank, the whole world becoming a haze from the countless joints you'd smoked as well as the countless amounts of alcohol you'd consumed.

You were crawling across the bar, and damn E'Dawn found it sexy, he decided to go by that name as then no one would be able to trace him, it was sad you didn't know his real name, but it was for the best for him. He went to the toilet and motioned for you to follow, which you did and upon getting in you began to make out.

After a while though, you threw up, and instead of doing what you expected him to and him abandoning you, he stayed and held your hair back, rubbing your back up and down for both comfort and to allow you to throw up anymore you needed too.

You both went to a motel again, this became your daily lifestyle, each time caring for each other, until the end occurred. Your final day together was the same as any other, moving location, partying, drugs and alcohol included. However, mid party, the cops arrived and you had to run. In your dazed state the both of you arrived at a rooftop hand in hand, and with no where left to run you both sent a silent exchange knowing what had to be done.

His hand never separated from yours as you stepped onto the edge, taking a look at the cops behind you and a final one to each other, before nodding and stepping over the edge together, both never letting go.

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