Baekhyun ~ EXO

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Entering the pet shop, your eyes grow wide, you've wanted a pet for ages now, and today was finally the day. The store was filled with beautiful animals and toys, as well as necessities, such as beds and food. You scanned the store in awe at the sight in front of you.

So lost in your thoughts you didn't notice a rather handsome man standing before you, a playful smirk on his lips.
"Hello, welcome to pets for life, I'm your shop assistant Baekhyun, but you can call me Baekie"

You shake your head a little at his remark, smiling to yourself, before walking past him to where the dogs are kept. You look around you at all the cute puppies and full grown dogs, in awe at their cuteness. "These aren't cheap" you mumble to yourself, which Baekhyun picks up. You hadn't even noticed him following and standing behind you, you were too invested in dogs.
"These aren't that over priced, they're relatively good compared to other pet shops within the local area"

You nod in understanding looking over all the breeds, there were Labradors, Golden Retrievers, sausage dogs, Shiba inu's but the one that caught your attention was the small Greg puppy alone in the corner. "Baek what's this one, I've never seen one of these before?"
"I told you to call me Baekie, or Hyunie, and he's our very last Carin Terrier" he replied smiling "he's not cheap though, about £1,000"
You had been holding the dog cuddling up to him, but with the knowledge of the price, you sigh putting him back in the box with the other dogs, before standing and leaning on Baekhyun.

He wraps his arms around you to hold you in place and whispers "I'll pay for half, if you let me take you out on a date, the puppy can come too" you slowly turn to face him, but with him holding you so close, your face came about half way up his.
"Really?!" You ask gleaming with joy, a half price dog, and a cute date, hell yeah! You thought to yourself. Before realising how close your faces were with you looking up to look into his eyes. You hug him tight nodding thanking him.

"go get the puppy, what you gonna name him, actually wait what even is your name?" He asks loosening his grip on you so you could grab the puppy.

You blush having realized you'd never told him your name before grabbing the puppy saying "I'm y/n and this can be...." You trail off having not thought of a name yet. Holding the puppy up to your face you look into his eyes and say "Harry" This makes Baekhyun giggle "what Baekie?" You ask acting a little cute to get it out of him.

"Its just, I never expected such a minimalist name from you y/n" he responds taking Harry from you "let's go pay for him and go on our date yea?" He asks to which you nod, collecting necessities and toys for the dog as well as harry himself, the total price coming to £700 for you and £550 for Baekhyun, he'd paid for some things Harry needed too.

You put Harry on a lead, putting him back down, with him immediately dragging you to the exist, your other hand full of bags "I'll see you tomorrow at 1 yeah?" Baek shouts as you are dragged away by the excitable puppy, you reply with a "Yeah" before walking home with Harry and your bags.

The next day you'd gotten dressed in a simple autumn outfit, it was cold out and you didn't want to be getting ill, you had a slightly oversized jumper on with some thick tights and a skirt. You'd done simple make up, as you do every time you go out in public with some light eyeshadow matching your jumper. You'd had a warm mug of coffee and something to eat, about to set off to meet Baekhyun.

With Harry leading the way, you headed to the local park. Upon your arrival, Baekhyun was already their, sat on the swings along. "Hey look its my second favourite puppy" you called to him
"Yah second favourite? Wait puppy?" He yelled chasing towards you.
You began to run away calling back to him "yeah, you look like one, and Harry's my favourite"
However soon enough he'd grabbed ahold of you, you both tumbling over together, him landing on top of you, pinning you down slightly. "hey if I'm not your favourite then I'm nothing" he hissed in your ear, both of you giggling.
"Okay okay you're my favourite puppy" you give in, defeated. He cheers, energetic as a puppy, to which you just laugh, him then getting up and helping you up along with him.

Harry is still running about so you call for him, him speeding over at a record pase. You hand Baekhyun a dog toy out of your bag and say "throw it for him Hyunie" he obliges and throws the toy, Harry bolting after it within seconds.

When the dog had gone playing with his toy, Baekhyun took your hand leading you with him to the swings, however a child occupied one, so as he sat you stayed standing.

With his hand still grasped onto yours, he pulls you onto his lap, proceeding to wrap his arms around your waist, preventing you from standing. Initially you were uncomfortable, but soon you relaxed, leaning against him, you closed your eyes calmly.

Harry was still running around like the mad dog he is and you and Baekhyun were close together, both internally grinning, happy to have found each other. He kissed the side of your head carefully, obviously wondering how you'd react. Your eyes opened widening before you giggled poking his cheek "cuteeeee" you cooed, then breaking from his grasp you went to play with Harry, leaving him bewildered on the swing. He continued watching you in content as you played with your dog.

As the afternoon drew later, clouds began forming over, drawing darkness over the sky, however neither you nor Baekhyun had noticed, that as until heavy rain fell on both of you and Harry. He quickly ran to you grabbing your hand as you grabbed Harry tying him up to his leash. The dog immediately began running dragging you and Baekhyun behind him.

While running home you both shouted and squealed. "Baekie I'm wettt" you whined as you continued to run, him using his free hand to then put your hood up cheekily replying with "then put this up silly."

Once you both reached Baekhyun's home, you were confused however he invited you inside along with Harry, not wanting either of you getting any wetter and becoming ill. You accepted gratefully, following him inside.

He headed upstairs getting changed, as you stood in his hallway, cold and wet, rubbing your arms for warmth.

He quickly returned downstairs, having gotten changed and dried himself, holding some clothes and a towel "here get yourself changed" he said handing them to you, you thanked him heading upstairs to get changed. You dried your body and hair putting his clothes on, it was a Grey T-shirt and trousers. The shirt hanging low down to your legs, smelt like Baekhyun and was warm, which you were happy about.

You returned to him holding your wet clothes, blushing as he saw you, his mouth agape. He walked up to you hugging you whispering "you should wear my clothes more often" causing your blush to grow.

You both entered his living room and cuddled together on the couch, spending the rest of the afternoon, drinking hot chocolate and talking, while Harry played around on the floor.

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