Jihoon ~ Wanna One

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For heavenlyhwi (You guys can send in requests too, just message me or comment here xoxo)

The warmth and strong scent of caffeine rushes through your nose. The deep browns of the wooden furnishing keeps you calm and gives you a feeling of being at home as you head to the counter to buy yourself a drink.

Purchasing a small mug of a caramel latte, you take your drink and head to your usual table. As you take your seat the warmth of the coffee lifts, reddening your cheeks, the scent engulfs your nostrils. The hard caffeine scent is calmed by the sweet caramel.

Your usual table was by the window, revealing the view outside. As it was currently winter, the wind was feverishly blowing, ice hanging off the branches of trees, as an odd replacement for the leaves which occupy them in the summer.

You sip your coffee, the taste contradicting itself, yet so pleasurable to your taste buds never the less. The bitterness of the coffee is soon replaced with the sweetness of the caramel, the two blending together making you involuntarily smile.

Lost in your thoughts of coffee and the happiness surrounding you, you don't realize the calls being hurled towards you.

"Yo slut! Whore! I bet you want some of this" one calls, suddenly snapping you out of your trance.

You knew you were known as the school rebel, always skipping and breaking the rules, but what did it matter, your grades were good. However, with this title, came an ambiguous reputation, apparently you slept with every boy in the school, as well as a couple of the girls. Of course, this crazy bunch of rumours was far from true, but you learnt to live with it.

The boys continued hurling their abuse towards you, yet you ignored it, drinking your coffee and being lost in the scenery outside.

After a while they noticed you'd blanked them, and so began walking up to your table.

"Hey there sweet thing" one said trying to be sweet, running his fingers through your hair, which you simply swatted away shaking your head in disgust.

"Now no need to be that way" another states, sitting beside you, resting his hand on your thigh. This action made you uncomfortable although you just continued to ignore them, sipping your coffee in the process.

"you shouldn't ignore people Y/N, it's rude" the third calls, leaning his face horribly close to yours.

When you suddenly began to become uncomfortable a voice shouts "that is not how you should treat a lady"

The source of the voice remained unknown, until the owner arrived at your table, glaring at the boys, shoving one, his glare bringing fear into their hearts and causing them to leave.

"Thank you... Sorry to be rude, I know you're in one of my classes but I don't seem to know your name?" you ask, feeling a bit guilty after he'd basically saved you from those boys.

"Oh it's Jihoon, no one problem though, and I believe you're Y/N, the known rebel of the school" he smiles leaning over you still.

You offer him a seat at the table before you, having finished your coffee. He notices this and asks "would you like to each get a hot chocolate?" To which you nod happily begining to get up "no need I'll pay" he offers, you unable to resist his charming and adorable smile.

He goes to purchase you each a drink, soon or returning with both on a tray, along with some cookies and cake. "Thank you but you really didn't have to" you smile to him.

Him replying with a simple "it's nothing" before you both sipped your drinks.

You continued to sit opposite each other, an awkward silence begins filling the air, neither of you knowing what to discuss. You soon return to simply staring out the window beside you, becoming lost in your own mind, questioning the most random things you began to wonder.

Soon Jihoon notices your absent mind and clears his throat "would you like to get these to go, let's do something fun!" He smiled slightly after, the smile itself causing your heart to warm instantly. You nod in response to him and smile in return, him then asking for the drinks to go.

He hands you your drink before shyly slipping his hand into yours, an evident blush on his face as you exited the coffee shop together.

After walking for some time, you arrived at a secluded and empty park. The play equipment looked old, and rarely used, with the once vibrant paint turning dull and having chipped. It stank of illegal activities as you walked together to the rather rickety swings. However the sun shone brightly, making this park look alive.

You sat beside each other, his hand remaining intertwined with yours, his skin was soft and warm, which contradicted with the coldness of your own, allowing them to be heated.    Together you swung, slowly, and in sync, when he began humming a familiar tune.

You were yet again engulfed in a silence, although this time it wasn't awkward, you had the sounds of the world around you still filling your ears, as well as his slight humming. You could hear birds fluttering overhead, cars on the main road nearby, as well as children playing somewhere not to far away, all coming together, to make your lack of communication bearable.

After a while had passed, you simply sipping your hot chocolate in that time, along with him drinking his own and humming, you finished your drink. This meant you had to release your hand from his, the warmth instantly escaping, as you wandered to the bin to throw your rubbish away.

As you returned slowly to him, you heard an angelic voice filling your ears. Jihoon was singing softly to a song you knew well, it was slow and sweat and brought a smile upon your lips as soon as you heard it. His voice was so soft and sounded delicate, yet you could still listen to it all day.

Once you'd returned completely to him, rather than sitting on the swing beside him, you sat on his lap. This caused him to initially react with shock, yet you simply mumbled to him, asking him to continue to sing for you.

He did as you'd asked and continued to sing, while wrapping his arms gently around your waist, and resting his head on your shoulder.

He sang to you all sorts of tunes through your time together, swinging together with the beats. Sometimes he'd sing fast songs and swing really quickly, causing you both to burst into laughter as the swing violently moved up and down.

Once a few hours had passed, you knew you needed to leave, you had college to attend, and it turned out so did he.

Walking back to campus hand in hand, you grew even closer to him, finding out about his life and family, as well as discovering how amazing at doing aeygo. This wasn't in your favour as you knew if he wanted something, he'd end up using it, and you'd most definitely fall for it every time.

You soon reached the campus alongside him, and he walked you to your next lesson.

Stood outside​ your campus you said goodbye to Jihoon, hugging him, causing many bystanders to stare, but you didn't care, as yet again, you'd become lost in the comfort of his warmth.

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