Eunwoo ~ Astro

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You had been a model for 5 years now, and were rather well established in the business, you even had a small base of fans who loved your looks, but also your kind heart and talent musically which they'd always wanted you to take on as a career option, but for you modeling was money and music was just a hobby.

Today you had a shoot with a man even higher up than you, he did acting and was in an idol group as well as being a model. You arrived at the shoot and they immediately got your hair and make up ready as well as your first outfit of the session. You began with some solo shots before the male model arrived.

You knew when he arrived, screaming fangirl's could be heard from outside before the doors were even opened. This honestly annoyed you, you knew if it continued you'd begin to develop a headache, and you were not in the mood.

You both said your hellos, you glaring slightly at his back as you both went to change for the next portion of the shoot with both of you.

Sitting back to back you begin with the first pose, and you laugh a little, the atmosphere serious most of the time. Going into more romantic and closer poses you both kept it professional and it wasn't at all awkward. Natural more than anything. You didn't find this odd and was just glad as it'd make your photos look more natural.

A month later, after the shoot was over, the photos were finally uploaded online and in the company's catalogue you'd posed for. With giant versions of yours and his individual shots hanging outside stores.

Checking your SNS accounts your notifications were blowing up, you looked through them and they were almost entirely Eunwoo related, many of his fans "shipping" you both together. This made you uncomfortable as you'd only just learnt his name from these comments. You ignored them muting all the apps notifications before going to your kitchen and preparing your breakfast.

Mid-way through your favorite bowl of cereal, rice crispies of course, your phone begins ringing. Your immediate thought was "oh god have the crazed fans gotten my number" checking, it was indeed an unknown number, so answering you put on your best acting voice.
"Hey" the voice timidly answered, you then recognizing it as Eunwoo's, from when he was bitching at his make up artist at the sheet.
"Hi" you replied simply
"Y/N, was it? I was wondering if you'd like to meet for a meal some time?" You accepted, expecting it to simply be business related, you both arranged an appropriate date and time before hanging up the phone.

Surely it's not a it..?

When the day finally came for your dinner, you got ready, putting on a long flowing yellow dress, with a tighter chest covered in small diamonds. You did your hair in a simple bun with loose curls hanging down the front before applying a small layer of make-up. You'd always pride yourself in being a model who wears minimalistic make up both on and off set, with most of the time off set it being no make-up at all. Many of your very few fans admired you for this, so you kept it a running theme throughout your life.

Your driver pulled up to your house and you stepped out, getting into the back of the car, before instructing him on whereabouts you needed to go.

Upon your arrival at the high end restaurant, many of Eunwoo's fans had managed to crowd outside, you simply put on your large sunglasses, before stepping out your car, being surrounded by guards. You walked in sync with the guards, not sure on whether you wished to live this lifestyle.

You told the host your name and he guided you to a table, where you saw Eunwoo already sitting with his head down. When your chair was pulled out he looked up noticing you, you smiled taking a seat. "Hello Y/N" he said smiling a little. "Hey Eunwoo" you replied with a shy smile.

You both ordered your drinks, a glass of red wine each, then began looking through the menu, with little talk going on as you did so. Soon a waiter appeared with your drinks and took your food order, you ordered your favourite while he ordered samgyupsal.

After a while of talking and getting to know each other, he commented on your dress "your dress is very beautiful tonight, it's yellow, suits you well" you giggled a little at this raising an eyebrow at his love of the fact it was yellow. "Minions are yellow, I love minions" you laughed rather loudly at this.

You both soon became comfortable with each other, and when the food arrived the silence from earlier never reappeared, you both talking while you ate, learning more and more about each other as time went on. Mid way through your meal and talk he rested his hand on yours, you blushed, pretending to ignore it and continued to talk.

After so long however, he moved his hand away and the warmth that had previously spread throughout your body disappeared. This left you disappointed but you were too shy to say anything to simply finished your meal, continuing to converse with the sweet, childish, boy before you.

Once you'd both finished, Eunwoo went to pay, you offered to contribute, yet with him being the gentleman he is, he denied paying for the both of you. You had, had a fun time that night, knowing it was a date after the meal was over.

He returned to you once he'd finished paying, taking your hand, putting his cap, glasses and mask on, you putting your glasses on, before you exited the restaurant remaining hand in hand, being quick to avoid the fans with both your heads down. You then both entered his car having survived the swarm of fans, driving away, both taking off your sunglasses.

You spoke again on the drive home, being playful and carefree the whole time, you even pulled his mask down a one point, bopping his nose. He laughed when you did this, and before long the car pulled up outside your small house.

"We're here Woo" you giggled calling him a new nickname you'd thought of on the spot.
"Woo?" He giggled running his fingers through your hair, you simply nodding. "I had fun tonight Y/N, I hope we can do it again some time?" You gladly agreed to this before taking off your seatbelt and stepping out the car, shutting the door, and waving as he drove away.

Just as you'd believed the car had driven away and you were about to step into your house, a car pulled back up outside your house. You noticed it was his and laughed. He proceeded to step out and jog up to you, pulling you into his warm, tall embrace, your head resting perfectly on his chest, in a hold you never wished to escape from.

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