Mark ~ GOT7

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Sitting alone on the park bench, you wait. You've been waiting an hour now, you were early after all, he'll be here any minute.

Soon, the rain begins to fall but you stay, continuing to wait. The rain never ceases, but you wait, hoping he'll come. The hours pass, and still nobody. You begin to lose hope when a tall lanky looking figure comes towards you. Is that him... You thought hoping it was, but at the same time, you wished it wasn't, you were done with him. It was over. You should have known from the start.

The unknown figure sits on the bench besides you. "Now why on earth would a pretty girl be sat alone in the rain like this? Here, have my jumper" he says, his accent foreign as he removes his jumper handing it too you. Unsure of what to do you decide to put it on regarding him your thanks.

The jumper itself was warm and cosy, with a homely smell, the colour a bright red which made you feel bright along with the colour. You stand and he follows suit, grabbing your wrist.

"You have my jumper and I don't even know your name yet, where do you think your going, let me buy you a warm drink at least as well, you seem to have had a rough day" his sweet voice comments on your action, to which you nod along with.

"I'm Y/N" you reply, shaking a little as the rain continues to pelt down onto you both.
"Mark" her replies with a small smile, which returns the warmth to your heart.

You walk together to the local cafe, his arm around you, unbothered by the torrential rain which left him soaked and cold, your presence seemed to prevent that uncomfortable feeling.

You enjoyed standing beside him as you entered the cafe together, you had talked the whole way there, him returning the smile to your face which you'd never expected to reappear after the horrific day you had been having.

You look around the cafe and soon realize "OHMYGOD PUPPIES!!" You squeal, causing him to chuckle behind you.
"I love coming here" he replies running his hand up and down your side "dogs are just so precious and I love a good cup of coffee, so why not go somewhere combining the two" you continue to look around in awe before grabbing his hand and dragging him to a small white furred puppy.

"Its sooooo cute" you coo, stroking its back as he smiles from behind, watching you happily. His jumper was rather large, the sleeves giving you paws, when you tried stroking the puppy your hands would just disappear. This caused you to pout "Markie your jumpers too big!!" You whine causing him to laugh adoringly "come here babe" he replies rolling your sleeves up for you "I'll get us drinks, what do you want?"
You reply with your favourite coffee as he walks off to order as you continue playing with the puppy.

He soon returns with both your drinks placing them on a nearby table, "you having fun with coco?" He asks.
"Coco?" You reply rather confused.
"Yeah that's his name, the owner told me" he explains, helping you up so you could both sit at the table together drinking your coffee.

Your new friend Coco had followed you to the table, along with some other dogs. You both sipped your drinks and continued to talk, playing with the dogs as well. Sometimes you'd be playing with Coco and you'd catch Mark staring, smiling bashfully at you, causing a blush to form across your cheeks, as you returned his smile.

You had just finished your drinks and the weather had cleared up, throughout your time together you'd played with the dogs and even got Mark to act cute for you, puffing his cheeks out saying "Markie doesn't act cute" which to you, was utterly adorable.

In return for his acting cute however you had to as well, using his jumper to an advantage you pouted saying "I'm already cute" before smiling widely. He giggled taking pictures, which you noticed, however he refused to delete them. He at one point even sat you on his lap with Coco, the three of you taking a selfie on his phone, which he proceeded to set as his background and post on his Instagram tagging you in.

You both said goodbye to Coco, disheartened to have to be separated. On the way home you began getting tired, so he offered to give you a piggy back ride, which you gratefully accepted getting onto his back. Roaming the streets of Seoul him carrying you, you giggled in the nightlight, having fun together.

Soon, like all other good things however, the ending had to come, after so long he'd put you down and you were now walking back to your house together hand in hand, allowing you to show him the directions to your home.

You arrived outside and offered him to come in, however he had places to be. he'd previously told you he had friends he lived with at home, so you assumed he needed to return to them. He hugged you tight, allowing you to keep his jumper, saying you could return it the next time you meet "nooooo it's mine forever" you joked.

He had soon left and you'd entered your home, laying on your bed you cuddled up to the red jumper, taking in the scent he had left behind, it was so sweet, you could also faintly smell Coco, it smelt like family to you, safety. You proceeded to check your phone, seeing the Instagram post he'd tagged you in, you giggled, saving it and setting it as your home screen, now matching with his.

Deciding to send him a DM you sent him your Snapchat, before getting ready for bed. Soon after you checked, seeing you'd received a message. "Heya Baby" it read, him shirtless on his bed, giving you a korean heart. You blushed furiously, giggling slightly at how adorable he was. Replying with a cutely filtered photo "I'm going to bed now Markie" before climbing into your bed. His speedy response read "night night" with him pulling a kissy face. You plugged your phone in after screenshotting it and turning off the lights, slipping into dreamland.

That morning you were awoken by a knock on your door, you quickly checked your phone having received a text from your now ex, him having dumped you. This disheartened you immensely as you threw on Mark's jumper before you answered the door.

you stood their in just his large red jumper, mouth agape as you stood mouth wide, staring at Mark. You suddenly burst into tears, him hurriedly holding onto your tightly, lifting you like a baby.
"Shhhh Y/N I got you, its okay" he whispered such sweet things into your ears as this as he sat you down on the sofa, keeping his comforting grip on you as he sits alongside you.

Soon you begin to calm down and he asks you what's up, you expected it, so just told him the truth of yesterday and the text this morning. "It's okay, I'm here now" he replied sweetly, offering you ice cream, which you gratefully accepted.

For the rest of that day you stayed together, he spoon fed you ice cream as you stayed in his jumper, watching movies together on the couch together, him giving you the comfort you desperately needed that day.

It had begun to get late and he held onto you tight, singing a soft lullaby into your ear, causing you to fall asleep, he snuck out his phone, taking photos of your sleeping figure, finding you absolutely gorgeous and adorable.    Before kissing your forehead, falling asleep alongside you, lips pressed to yours.

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