Jae ~ Day6

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University. Quite frankly, the lifestyle wasn't for you, but becoming the famous idol you wanted was going to remain a dream which never came true. You majored in English and teaching, hoping to become a teacher, it was a relatively stable job with plenty of availability, so you went for it.

At the minute though your English skills were lacking, and that is why you'd currently been asked to stay behind at the end of the lesson. "Y/N" your teacher began in a solemn tone "I know this is a career path you'd wish to persue, and I see on recent tests and assignments you've been struggling and your grades have been dropping, so how about we get you a tutor" you nodded, being rather timid, yet understanding that you did indeed need a tutor if you ever wanted to succeed in this course.

Abruptly a knock on the door came, and a handsome blonde entered the room, you could see his hair was obviously dyed, but it suited him outstandingly. "Ah Jae, you're finally here, I was just discussing with Y/N on your tutoring and had an amazing idea that you could both help each other" turning your attention back to you your teacher continued " see y/n, Jae here isn't actually korean, he's American, and as he's been struggling with his Korean it thought maybe you could both help each other, of course he isn't horrific at it, there is always room for improvement, and this is the perfect opportunity" you noticed your teacher had begun to blab but nodded along none the less.

"That sounds perfect" Jae butted in "how about me and this lovely lady here head off and get to know one another" you again nodded in agreement and so did your teacher. This allowed Jae to quickly take your wrist and rush out the classroom, with you trailing behind.

You took the opportunity, when he finally stopped to look him up and down, you couldn't deny he was handsome, and rather tall too, on his back you saw a guitar case and assumed he was majoring in music. "Hi, I'm Jae, majoring In writing." well that was unexpected.
You timidly replied with "I'm Y/N, majoring in English and Teaching" he nodded and you continued to discuss times and a place for tutoring. You eventually decided to meet up after school on Monday, Wednesday and Friday to then go to his house and help each other there.

As you discovered the tutoring Friday, you decided to just begin the following Monday. Which had arrived. It was the end of the school day and you were stood waiting for him where you'd decided to. After a long while however he never appeared, and soon the school was empty, you decided to quickly roam the school and try to find him, and if you failed just to go home and confront him tomorrow.

In that moment of wandering the halls, you realized it'd probably have been a smart idea to get his number, for situations such as this one. You decided to just get it when you next saw him.

Approaching the last corridor, the music one, you heard a sweet voice and accompanying melody from a practice room. you headed towards the source of the sound and noticed Jae playing, what you assumed was the guitar you'd previously seen him carrying, while singing a song which you'd never heard before, it must've been one of his own you thought.

Once some time of just listening had passed you knocked on the door. "Jae!" You shouted storming in, this action he found extremely cute. "You promised we'd tutor each other today. Wednesday and Friday after school and instead you're here. Come on! If I ever want to become an English teacher, knowing the language would be a good start!"

He was startled at your sudden arrival, although he still apologized saying he just wanted to play a while and lost track of time, before hurriedly packing his stuff and taking your hand. Leading you out the school and to his house, where the two way language tutoring began.

You both sat in his living room, he offered you a drink, which you accepted, before getting down to business. It was mid way through your session when he first attempted to make small talk "Have you heard they're finally making a film about clocks? It's about time" this made you laugh, and so throughout the tutoring, when he noticed your boredom he'd throw another joke in perking you both back up.

After about two months of this similar instance occasionally occuring and the constant sessions you'd told him of his English test, him telling you of his Korean one. "What if we made a bet" he said at that time "whoever gets the highest mark, at least an A, can do whatever they want with the other, but only one thing." You agreed, determined to do well.

However, now the test has passed, and to be completely honest, your grades had indeed improved, but a B wasn't what the bet wanted. You needed an A, and knowing your luck, he got one.

You were right, the next day when you had a tutoring session he said "lets show one another our results on. 3...2....1....." and you both turned your paper around, him on almost full marks with an A and you, still on that B.

After some time thinking he decided to say 'you're going to go on a date with me then, if I can choose one thing, I want you to date me" you agreed, secretly excited, feeling all bubbly just reminding yourself of it, and how cool he sounded saying it.

A few days later, it was the weekend, and you and Jae had decided to meet for a date. You had no clue where he was taking you, all you knew was you were meeting him at the park and that you should dress comfortably. You simply put on a random band T-shirt and a grey skirt with black leggings.

Arriving at the park, Jae, typically of him hadn't arrived, so you sat on the swing and endlessly swung back and forth. Lost in your thoughts swinging you didn't notice his presence until he wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you to a half as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
"Hi" he whispered softly, you snuggled up to him instinctively and mumbled a hello in return.

He moved away taking your hand and pulling you up and along with him. You both arrived at the more grassy part of the park as he pulls a mat out of the bag he was carrying placing it down and sitting down with you on the mat. He proceeded to pull various types of food, including your favourites.

You sat together, making small talk as you ate, learning about each other, you complimenting the foods and to say you both helped each other with languages you both barely knew about the other.

He constantly was throwing jokes too you, which you'd gotten used to from the tutoring. Your favourite of them all was "did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? The foods great, but the atmosphere was terrible" you did appreciate his sense of humour, which matched well with yours.

You told him of your passion for singing, and he picked up his guitar, pulling it out the case,which you'd already noticed he'd brought with him. He urged you to sing, so you began, singing baby don't cry by exo, him playing the tune already knowing the guitar, you were impressed.

For the rest of the afternoon you made music together, and you even managed to get him to play and sing for you. To say the least you were very impressed and urged him to join a band,  suggesting to make one with his friends, as you knew they'd go far.

You decided to grab some coffee then walk home, in the coffee shop Jae asked you what you wanted and you simply asked for an iced latte, him getting an americano, you both took your to go cups as he paid and he stubbornly told you he was walking you home, which was sweet of him, even though he sounded like an asshole saying it.

You both reached your doorstep having finished your drinks, "bye" you stated when you were stood facing each other.

You turned to enter the house when he grabbed your wrist. He pulled you drastically close to him, simply wiping away some coffee that'd gotten on your upper lip, before kissing your forehead. Returning your bye he walked away and you entered the house, smiling like crazy.

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