Taeyong ~ NCT

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pre warning I know nothing about dance so a lot of this is assumptions and google

You turn up to your dance class, you attend the ones on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. The classes are for popping/hip hop, traditional, modern and contemporary. Today was Thursday, so you had the modern style lesson. This was your personal favourite out of all the lessons you attended, you felt like it was the best for most freely and openly expressing yourself through the moves you made.

You were currently going through the routine the teacher had taught you the week before, just as a reminder of what it was, of course you struggled with parts, but for the majority you remembered all the steps, this dance was important after all. You were going to be using it for your grading. While you were dancing you could feel a pair of eyes on you, however you just ignored it and assumed it was the teacher or another student trying to be reminded of the steps.

After some time going over the dance and warming up the teacher called you all over to practice in a group, she was going to watch over you and point out who was making mistakes and the flaws in peoples renditions of the routine. As always you Stand at the front of the class with confidence and as the music begins you get lost within the routine.

The class ended as quickly as ever and while everyone was cooling down and getting ready to leave you noticed a group of boys not far away looking over at you and whispering to each other. You recognized them mildly, you'd seen them in a few of your classes before but had never actually spoken. You simply shake your head as you drink your water.

Suddenly someone came over to you, he was tall and well built with a tank top on that revealed his muscles. "Hey" he said simply, his voice was rather deep but he also sounded very timid.
"What can I do for ya?" You ask wanting to get to the point quickly.
"Well I just wanted to say your dancing earlier was amazing" he paused for a moment taking a deep breath before continuing "and i was wondering if you'd wanna hang out some time"
"Sure why not" you shrug, noticing he was attempting to ask you out, which you didn't mind, you've been struggling in the love department for a while now. To tell the truth you'd seen him dance before yourself and you'd found him rather talented and attractive while he was doing so.
You exchanged phones and exchanged numbers, he'd set his contact name as Taeyongie💖 which made you giggle. "Thanks, see you around Taeyongie" you giggle as he walks of mumbling a small "bye Y/N" but you still heard him and smiled more.

You and Taeyong attended all the same dance classes, he did more as well as rap lessons you learnt, and when you were in class together you helped each other with the moves as well as joking about except when it was important not to. As you both had a strong passion for dance, when it came down to dancing, both of you put your full focus onto it, of course sending smiles and compliments, as well as critiques at each other along the way.

It was the Sunday the week after you'd first met, and it was the first time you were going to meet up outside of dance, you both knew it was supposed to be like a date, which both of you was excited for. You had no idea what he had planned except that he wanted you to meet him outside of the studio at 3pm sharp. So that's where you were currently, you had arrived at 3pm and were waiting outside, however he hadn't turned up yet, and it was now 3:15.

Just as you were about to give up hope, two pairs of hands grabbed your wrists and dragged you into the studio, you were confused and frightened but couldn't struggle as the grip was too strong. Once you'd arrived inside the practice room itself the hands let you go and ran out, shutting the doors behind them. The light was off and the entire room was pitch black, so you were internally freaking out.

Just as you were about to freak the fuck out, the lights came on and music started playing, you looked into the room to see a group of guys standing in formation, as they began to dance. You watched as they sang and danced, noticing Taeyong in the group you smiled widely, you were only focused upon him within that moment, and as you had your eyes on him, he began to rap. You were stunned to say the least, he was so passionate and annunciated the words so clearly, and at those exact seconds it felt like he was rapping only to you, as if you were the only ones in that room together. Eventually the song came to an end and they all stood in their ending position.

After a few moments of them standing in their ending position you clapped for them, still amazed at the skills you just saw. Once your clapping had died down Taeyong came over to you and you pulled him into a hug not caring how horrible he smelt or how sweaty he was. "That was amazing" you whispered into his ear, having to stand on your tiptoes to do so.
He pulls away from you whispering back "I'll be right back baby" before letting you go and running to where you knew the showers and changing rooms for boys were. As you waited, you sat on the hard wood floor and thought about how sweet the effort he had made for you was.

After some time he returns dressed in a simple logo T-shirt and jeans, which matched with your logo T-shirt and jeans, however he was wearing a snapback, which you proceeded to steal and put onto your own head. "Suits you better. Now let's go!" He says cheerfully, wrapping an arm around your waist before guiding you out of the studio and to your next location.

You had gotten on the bus to where you were going to next, this confused you partially but for the most part had you very excited. As you neared the location of your actual date you began to hear cheering and your jaw droppped leaving your mouth agape. He had booked tickets to the concert of your favorite group, which just the other day you had complained about not being able to afford to see them.

When you had entered the concert venue you still couldn't believe what was happening, you jumped on him as you wrapped your arms around him tightly "thank you, thank you, thank you" you repeated holding him as tight as possible. He simply giggled and set you down guiding you to your seats.

The view from your seats was absolutely astounding and before long the show had begun. They performed all their most famous title tracks, which you screamed the words along to like a pro, at one point you swear your bias noticed you, so you told Toeyong excitedly making him smile, happy for you. Eventually they began performing there lesser known Songs, which of course you knew the words to completely and then towards the end they started playing the sad songs. At this point you had seated yourself onto Taeyongs lap, not thinking much of it when he held you tightly and Nuzzles his head into your neck, which did honestly calm you down a little.

After a long night the concert finally ended and you stood up off Taeyongs lap and he soon followed grabbing your wrist whispering into your ear "I dont want to lose you in the crowd." The simple kind gesture making both your heart flutter and shivers run down your spine at once.

Once you'd escaped the venue he took you to a cheap late night chip shop and ordered you both a portion of fish and chips. As you went to sit at the table, he sat you onto his lap and you both dug into your simple meal. The greasy batter and chips making you moan in delight. "These are so delicious!" You squeal at him, him making a mental note of to buy you meals here often, it was cheap and you enjoyed it, a win-win situation.

Once all grease covered chips and the battered fish was finished, you threw away the packaging and wiped your hands and mouths.

As you stood to leave he took your hand, standing up while stopping you from moving. "Y/N..." He started of hastily. You raised your eyebrow looking up into his eyes, they truly were beautiful you thought, you could get lost in them forever and at that moment, you did.

He swiftly leaned down and placed his lips on yours, at first it was gentle, but once you returned the kiss and both of you had closed your eyes it became more passionate. Once you both needed air you pulled away from the kiss and hugged him. "Yes" was all you needed to say, as he kissed your forehead,you both knew what he was going to ask, after all actions speak louder than words.

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