Yuta ~ NCT

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For markleesbro

Coming out of the exam hall you squeal hugging your best friend "Yuta I think I finally did well!" He laughed returning your hug before linking your arm with his as you proceeded to exit the school, exams finally over, heading to the nearby park.

On the walk to the park you gossiped about the exam, people who were blatantly obviously cheating, people on phones, or those who legitimately fell asleep throughout the entire thing.

You arrived at the park heading to the benches where your boyfriend was seated, head in his phone. As you both arrived before him you unlinked your arm from Yuta's and started twirling your hair through your fingers. After 30 seconds of him not noticing you, you cleared your throat, him looking up to you. Switching off his phone putting it in his pocket, he opened his arms for you, you gladly climbing into them.

You sit on his lap, his arms wrapped around you, he smelt of strawberries, matching his pink hair, with a slight smell of smoke lingering from the morning and a caffeine scent falling from his mouth as his spoke, due to the cup he'd drank while you were in your exam.

"Hi Yongie" you smiled up to him, finally greeting.
"Hey Y/N... Yuta" he replied, before continuing on to ask you about how the exam had gone, which you then explained, smiling as you thought of how much you knew, so could answer well.

Yuta watched the situation unfold, standing sadly, like the single third wheel he was. He looked at the couple before him, noticing how the smile on Taeyongs cheeks wasn't as bright as before, his grip on Y/N was no longer tight, the once loving look in his eyes gone, while he spoke to her. This annoyed Yuta, however there was nothing he could do, Y/N was happy, to him that was all that matters.

A few hours later, after the time had been occupied by the couple doing couple stuff, Yuta messing on his phone while this took place, you and Yuta had to depart from Taeyong, Yuta staying at your house for night. You said your goodbye's to Taeyong, receiving a slight peck on the lips from him as you did, before grabbing Yuta's arm heading away.

Soon after, you arrived at your house, stepping inside, Yuta following behind. You headed to the kitchen, Yuta heading straight for your room, having stayed many times before. You grabbed you and Yuta a drink, as well as plenty of snacks for the night, arms full as you headed for your room.

Heading into your room you saw Yuta sprawled out on your bed, him having heard your entrance, lifted his hands asking for food. You threw a packet of crisps in his direction, placing the rest of food and your drinks on the desk beside your bed.

Your room was rather large, a pale pink carpet on the floor, with a double bed along the wall in the center, a desk situated in front of the window, giant mirror opposite it, cushions and bean bags on the floor in the corner beside this, opposite the door. Currently occupying the bed was a sprawled out Yuta, munching on a packet of ready salted crisps, you took a packet of your own, laying down beside him with your head placed on his shoulder. 

"Do you think Tae loves me?" you asked, fear obviously present in your voice, cuddling up to Yuta, taking in his scent as you did. You noticed how Yuta smelt differently to Taeyong, Yuta smelt like Honey and flowers, with a slight hint of the spray he'd put on this morning still lingering. Yuta was your best friend, so obviously was more comforting to you. You had cried on him plenty of times before after all.

"of course he does, who wouldn't?" he replied with a smile, standing from your bed, grabbing his pajama trousers and shirt which he kept at yours before heading to your bathroom to get changed. 

While he was gone you thought about what he said, smiling a little, before quickly getting yourself changed before he returned. 

You and Yuta were cuddled together on your bead, stuffing your faces while enjoying a movie which was playing on your TV. You constantly kept stealing his sweets, which you could tell was beginning to annoy him, alas, you continued. As you went to grab another handful of the sugary goodness, he grabbed your wrist pinning you to the bed. 

"Enough" he growled looking directly into your eyes, before you both burst into a fit of laughter. 

Once your laughter had completely died down, you repositioned yourselves comfortably on the bed to finish the movie. You soon began to lose interest, and automatically started playing with the hem of his shirt, not noticing your action. 

The movie came to an end and you shut off the TV, climbing under the covers along with Yuta, cuddling up to him. "sing for me" you mumbled, beginning to feel drowsy, and as his sang, his soft voice eventually lulled you to sleep.

The next morning you woke up in Yuta's arms, his strong muscles holding you in place, you giggle and begin poking his chest "Yuta, fat ass, wake up!" you shout tickling him to wake him. He awakens with a scream pushing you off the bed, to which you just laugh at, his reaction was priceless. 

"Let's get ready and go out!" you shout, jumping up off the floor before raiding your outfit from your wardrobe, while Yuta still struggles to completely regain consciousness. "up you get sleepyhead!" you practically scream at him as you tug on his leg.

After about 5 minutes Yuta gives in getting up, grabbing his clothes and heading to the bathroom to change, as you change in your bedroom.

Once you were done you throw on Yuta's hoodie due to the cold weather, before heading downstairs to make breakfast for you and him. You make the breakfast and Yuta joins you, you eat the simple morning meal together, before collecting your things and leaving the house. 

You arrive at the local supermarket, walking around together, buying random items which catch either of your eyes, these being as random as flavored milk, chocolate, crisps, cans of coke and already prepared sandwiches. Walking around, your hand holding Yuta's as always, you hear a lady whisper about how cute of a couple you were, making you unexpectedly blush, and drag Yuta to the check out to leave. 

Once you've finished paying, Yuta having forced you to let him pay, you exit the store, heading to the park you were with Taeyong in the day before, this time heading to the playground together, rather than the bench you'd previously occupied.

You put your bags down before racing for the slide and sliding down it, however at the bottom stood Yuta, so when you reached the bottom, he grabbed onto you, running around with you in a fireman lift. 

"put me down!" you screamed laughing as he continued to run about not letting you go.

Soon he placed you down however rather on the floor he put you into a child's swing, which you surprisingly fitted into, before he began pushing you back and forth as high as he could.

After a while of playing together you both sat on the grass, out of breath and smiling, as you opened your shopping bags, beginning to snack on the foods inside, taking a big sip of the iced latte you had bought. 

Once you'd both finished all the food as well as your drinks, you laid together yet again looking up at the sky, silence engulfing the situation, a comfortable one though. 

A few minutes had passed when Yuta suddenly cleared his throat, causing you to look up at him "Y/N.." he began before trailing off, you smiled a little, as he sat up you began to get worried yet still followed his actions. "I, this has been on my mind far too long, it's probably going to ruin what we have but, your smile, how much my mood improves when I'm with you, how fabulous and flawless you manage to look without trying all mean one thing." he paused taking a deep breath "I like you Y/N"

To say the least, you were stunned, you stand yourself up, "I'm sorry Yuta, you're a great guy but... Taeyong"

he knew what you meant and couldn't help the words which came out of his mouth next "He doesn't love you anymore Y/N" tears were now brimming at both your eyes, this had ruined your friendship forever, you knew it.

"I'm sorry Yuta, but i choose Taeyong" was the last thing you ever said to him, before walking away, not turning back.

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