Jungkook ~ BTS

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Roaming. You did it a lot. Today you roamed your city center, becoming lost in the hustle and bustle of shoppers, workers, law breakers. This is the way many city centers were. However today, yours changed, for the better.

You continued wandering down the large street, chain stores lining either end, as well as some random ones here and their. You first entered h&m and began to browse. The clothes this season definitely weren't your aesthetic, so soon you found yourself wandering out again.

Continuing down the street, you heard a voice, singing a tune you felt familiar with, but couldn't quite figure where from. As you neared closer the beautiful voice, you found a just as beautiful owner.

The male was handsome, thin and tall, playing a keyboard as he sang, his vocals filling and purifying the air as you listened. His voice would go high, yet deeper for some parts, allowing his vocal range to stun you completely.

You soon found yourself coming to a halt from your shop, and enticed by this males voice, completely intoxicated by the sound, as your whole being concentrated on solely him, and him alone.

Once his performance was over, you cheered for him throwing him money. He smiled thankfully at you, waving, you then waving back.

As you turned away, you felt a strong grip on your upper arm "uhm wait" a voice muttered "I'm Jungkook, thanks for enjoying my performance.

You turned back to the source of the voice, smiling in return "I'm Y/N, I'd love to stay and chat, but I have shopping to get done" you reply, feeling rude.

"Please just wait and I'll come along, I have nothing else to do, and I'd love to get to know you as we shopped?" He half asked half stated, nerves obvious on his features.

You knew he was kind, so accepted and waited for him to pack his things away, which he then placed into an old van, locking it up and returning to you.

"Lets go!" He cheered, grasping his hand and lacing his fingers with yours, as you began to walk along the bustling street.

You entered a large clothes store, and began dragging him around, throwing outfits into your basket, it soon becoming flooded with clothing. He laughed as he followed you around.

Looking him up and down, you noticed how shabby his clothes were, and so dragged him to the men's section, getting him his own basket.

Having instructed him to stand still, you put clothes up to him, laughing at the horrible ones before throwing ones you believed suited him into a basket, and returning others. Soon enough a second basket was flooded with clothes for him.

You shoved the basket at him and forced him to a changing room, but before you could say "model these for me, let's check they do look good" he did, and insisted upon paying. You sighed, knowing he was a persistent person, and obeyed.

"Just because I was busking, doesn't make me poor, dumbo" he sighed, slinging his arm around your shoulder as you walked out the clothes shop, one hand full of shopping bags, as you returned to his van.

He placed the bags in his van before turning to smile at you "where to next?" He asked.

"I'm hungry" you mumbled.

"McDonalds it is" he laughed, this Tim snaking his arm around your waist, leading you to the highly unhealthy fast food restaurant.

Arriving at the McDonalds, you both walked, up to the counter, him ordering a chicken nugget happy meal as well as a burger happy meal, with 2 cokek and you ordering a wrap and strawberry milkshake. Yet again, he paid, leading you to feel guilty for making him spend all his money on you, before you both went to sit at a quiet table to eat.

You both became quiet, stuffing your faces with the greasy meals. As he ate you noticed how much he stuffed into his face, causing you to burst into laughter.

He raised his eyebrow questioningly at your sudden outburst, you explaining "you just... Look like a chipmunk" before you both fell into hysterics.

After a while, your meal was over, and you both headed out the fast food place, stomachs full, still sipping your drinks as you returned to his van.

"Today has been fun" he smiled, before his mood turned sad "I don't think we'll be seeing each other again though" he sighed, wrapping his arms around you, and holding you tight.

You stayed together like that, for God knows how long, lost in each others embrace. Once the hug came to an end, him moving away first, he handed you your bags.

Just as you were about to leave, once you'd turned away, he placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to freeze. As you were frozen, he clipped a simple small chain around your neck "wait for me" he whispered.

As he moved away, your head whipping round to look at him, he stepped into the passengers seat of his van, as the driver drove it away.

That was the last you'd ever seen or heard from the Jeon Jungkook, he was now a world famous idol in the boy group from BTS. His handsome looks and vocals along with captivating dance moves, had captured the hearts of the world.

And with that chain around your neck, you were still waiting.

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