Woozi ~ Seventeen

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Hmu with those good ol' requests will ya. Also sorry for not publishing since October, I've just been really lazy or busy. I've added the song for this chapter if you want to know what it is.

"Try and reach a g sharp for me?" Your vocal trainer says while you practice your newest song.
"Okay" you say before proceeding to follow her instructions. Soon enough you've mastered the necessary notes to cover Thank You by Pentagon.

In the midsts of gathering your belongings your vocal trainer speaks up "I've found a partner for you to cover this duet with."
"You-i-you-wh-? what?" You stutter out. You've never done a duet, it means mastering harmonies, which although have impact, require knowing the person and their voice, and you already knew you won't know this person.

Dramatically the door flings open and there stands a rather short looking bloke, who was red and panting.
"Jihoon, I see you finally decided to show up" your trainer said, looking slightly displeased, before a bright smile abruptly took over her face. "Lets get to work."
You and Jihoon simply stand there, looking at each other, bewilderment evident on both your faces.

"Hi, I'm Jihoon, and you are?" He suddenly blurts out, prior to a small smile forming on his face.

"Y/N" you stutter, still trying to comprehend the current situation. Turning towards your vocal trainer you instinctively raise your tone "I'm covering thank you with him?!"

Your vocal trainer simply nods, sits you both down and you get to work.

"So Y/N, you'll be doing Jinho's parts, as your key is slightly higher than Jihoon. Jihoon, you'll be singing Hui's parts, if we need any slight alterations we'll make them as we go along" your teacher instructs "learn these lines for now and we'll meet again next time, you two exchange phone numbers so you can practice" she finishes, handing you both the music, and urging you to give each other your phones.

Eventually, you pass each other your phones and add yourselves to each other's contacts. He takes a picture for his contact photo and you do the same. Once you had both completed you silently handed each other's phones back, then gather your stuff and leave.

That night you were eating your dinner, having ordered fried chicken being too lazy to cook. When your phone began to ring, looking at the contact you saw it was Jihoonie💞 you couldnt believe he'd saved it as that but picked up the phone anyway.

"Hi Y/N? Have you read through the lines yet, our trainer has asked me to rearrange the song, could I Send you the link?" Jihoon begins as soon as you answer the phone

"Of course, I'll check it out once I've finished my chicken" you reply simply, hinting that you had food to get back to.

"Okay then, if there's anything you need help with call me and we can arrange a place to meet up and talk"

"Thanks Jihoon,bye now" you finish, hanging up the phone before he had a chance to return your goodbye.

You continue digging into your chicken, receiving the link Jihoon mentioned, so you clicked on it. The once partial piano medley, was now entirely piano, which was much more complex than in the original, with areas silent for your high notes, you were amazed at how simple yet powerful it was.

Once all that was left of the chicken was bones, you threw it away,cleaning up, before drinking some water to get to practice. The notes, indeed, were incredibly  high, you were stunned at how Jinho's vocal range could extend that far. With the simple melody and pitch now memorized, it had become late, and you decided it was time for bed.

The following morning you got yourself ready, then proceeded to call Jihoon.

"Jihoon!" You exclaim when he answered the phone "could we meet up and practice today?"

"yeah, of course, come to mine in about an hour I'll send you the adress" he replies, it being blatantly obvious in his voice that he had only just woke up. You hang up the phone before deciding to go to a cafe and grab a bite to eat.

Down the road was a simple yet nice place, very unknown, but sold the nicest sandwiches you had ever eaten.  You walk in, the slight chime of the bell alerting the workers of a customer before placing your order. Taking your food and drink, you sit in a corner, begining to enjoy the food.

Half way through your sandwich,you heard that chime of the doorbell again, looking up instinctively, there you saw the familiar short man from yesterday. You pretend to have not seen him before covering your face with your hair and continuing to enjoy your breakfast.

"Anybody sat here?" His sweet voice comes from before you, you simply shake your head,sipping your coffee. "Hi Y/N" he sighs, sipping his drink.

"Hey, i thought we were meeting at your place,what brings you here?" You give up on hiding and inquire.

"Oh I came to get a drink before you came over, looks like I wasn't the only one with that plan. You live around here?" He continues the conversation, you simply nodding not wishing to take it any further.

Once you had finished your meal, you stood up turning to leave, when a hand grabbed yours.

"Y/N let's go together, we can head straight to my place then"

"Ok, shall we get going?" You ask, him simply nodding, leading the way, hand still holding yours.

At Jihoons house, you sat and sang together, the atmosphere slowly became less tense and you found yourself frequently talking rather than working. By the end of the day, you had both learnt to sing your harmonies, neither of you were perfect as of yet, due to not being close enough and you still struggling to reach Jinho's key.

After weeks of practicing the same song together, you and Jihoon slowly developed a close friendship, he cared for you and you for him, and with the closeness, your singing dramatically improved. Until finally the day came, the day of your performance. 

The trainer had put together loads of her students to make a concert, the only other you had met was Jihoon, so you stayed close to him the entire time, none of the other singers tried to interact with you, and you two just had fun in your own little world.

Although Jihoon was one who despised skinship, after so long, he became comfortable with your ways, which is how you ended up sat on his lap, with him occasionally kissing your cheek before your performance began.

Soon enough you two were the next up to perform. Both standing up, you held hands, walking onto the stage.

Jihoon took his respective seat at the piano, whispering a good luck to you as you walked around to the other side of it. Jihoon had decided to play and sing live, while you just sang.

Throughout the song you didn't make any mistakes, until it was your final impactful high note, which was followed by yours and Jihoons harmony while he was singing in a high key and you sang in a lower key. Neither of you made any mistakes with those two most difficult parts of the song, and before it even began it was over.

The crowd cheered as Jihoon finished off his piano playing. You both stood and bowed to the audience before walking off the stage. You had done it. It was over.

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