Chen ~ EXO

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You were sat working your Saturday night job, it was a simple one where you got to do the thing you were most passionate about. You worked in a high end restaurant serving dishes on weeknights but when its the weekend the boss allows you to showcase your musical talent by allowing you to play music on the piano. He was okay with it as long as it was classical, after all, it kept the guests entertained and actually had increased the amount of customers. Surprisingly enough for yourself people enjoyed the music you play, you personally thought it was illegitimate but eventually grew to realize it was the case.

This Saturday was just like any other you were playing mostly classical, as well as some pieces you had composed yourself, these all of course being to the classical tone. It was nearing 9:30pm and you were as lost in the rhythm you were playing, as you played the notes a sense of freedom came over you.

You had just began to play a Beethoven piece, when a man sat on the bench next to you. You looked up at him, he sure was handsome, you thought as you continued to play. Then he did something which surprised you, and joined you in playing the piece, not many knew this piece. It was quite a high skilled piano piece after all.

You sat together for what felt like hours, playing classic after classic together, never missing a key or hitting the wrong one. Eventually though your shift was over, all good things must come to an end you thought as you told the man this fact.

"Well then" he stated "how about we go somewhere and get to know each other" at first you were rather shocked however agreed.
"But first I'd like to know your name" you added wary of who he was.
"I'm Jong-Dae but My friends call me Chen, and what about you lovely lady?" he replied in a flirtatious tone.
You thought his name was actually very pretty but wasn't going to let it slip so instead told him with a hint of sarcasm "Y/N but my friends call me Y/N."

He suggested you both go to a cafe nearby and get each other over a cup of herbal tea and slice of cake, which you couldn't say no to. So now you were sat opposite each other sipping your tea and currently discussing music. Both of you were telling each other your favourite pieces and how you both enjoyed composing,he had asked to hear on of your self composed pieces, and you told him you only would if he showed you one of his as well, which he hesitantly but happily agreed to. Soon the topic moved onto other things and you talked about what each of you liked and disliked, he spoke fondly of his friends often which made you smile.

You discovered much about to each other, about him you found out that his favourite type of music is R&B, his favourite cartoons: Donald Duck and Garfield, his favourite colour is pink, his favourite possessions: MP3 Player and Notebook, his favourite foods are Lamb Kebab, Chinese food, hotpot, steamed buns, fried cakes, fried bread twists, anything cooked at the Korean dorms. But he says that most of all, he likes his parent’s cooking the best, he’s forgetful, so he’ll have to write things down (hence why his notebook is one of his favourite possessions) and he told you that he’s stubborn and likes to get what he wants.

Once the night was coming to a close and you'd learnt much about each other, he asked you to go out with him for dinner some time. He stumbled over his words a little, obviously nervous you would reject, but you noticed how much of a fun time you had had together so agreed joyfully causing him to take your hand kissing your knuckles, which made you blush a vibrant shade of red.

You both stood as he took the tray back to the counter, however when you attempted to bid your goodbye, he insisted on driving you home. You had shook your head but didn't feel much like walking so shrugged and agreed anyway.

In the car on the way back, he had a hand placed on yours the entire drive, the simple action making you blush, you didn't talk much, and instead enjoyed each others company while the radio played low, some random pop song coming through the speakers. You only spoke when giving directions to your place, and had soon arrived.

When he arrived outside your house, he grabbed your hand before you could leave and pulled you too him over the gears and hand break, kissing your forehead whispering a simple "bye Y/N, dress well for our date next week" you were blushing madly as he eventually pulled away. You exited the car with a wave of the hand, and once you'd gone into the house, he only then drove off.

~the following Friday~

It was the Friday after you had first met Chen, he had told you to dress well and be ready for 6 when he would pick you up. You were currently deciding on an outfit after showering, you weren't sure weather to go with the black, strapless and knee length tight dress which complimented your curves, or a pink one which flowed loosely down to your ankles. After a while of debating you went with your favourite of the two and put on some black heels. You sat on your bed messing with your phone waiting for his car to pull up outside your house.

He eventually pulled up and came to your door, knocking lightly. You slowly made your way downstairs, careful not to trip before reaching the door and opening it. You looked up to see him smiling widely, you returning it Kindly. He takes your hand as you say your hellos and leave the house shutting the door behind you. He drives for a while until you reach a rather expensive restaurant. He parks the car and you both exit.

When you went into the restaurant you realized Chen was wearing a pastel pink suit, you giggled a little causing people to stare, making you blush and look down, automatically shuffling closer to him. He realized your discomfort so squeezed your hand reassuringly.

He stated his name to the waiter who then lead you to your table. Chen pulled out your chair for you before pushing you into the table like a true gentleman, before seating himself opposite. You both looked through the menu and you were shocked at the prices, you didn't want him to have to pay so much, and as if he was reading your mind he said "pick whatever you like" you eventually chose your favourite dish from the menu and while you waited for your meals you made small talk, getting to know each other more and more, him taking your hand across the table sometime while you were talking, as he stroked his thumb across the back of your hand, soothing you.

You sat and ate the meal, somewhat uncomfortable with how extensively ornate the entire decor of the restaurant was, including the dining ware. Eventually you had both finished your meals, you said you would have offered to pay the bill, but simply couldn't afford it. He replied saying that it was his treat and there was nothing you should worry about with him.

You left the restaurant hand in hand and returned to his car. In the car on the way home you offered for him to come to yours for a while, after all it was still early, he shyly agreed, but agreed none the less.

You arrived at your house and both went inside. "Make yourself at home on the sofa I'm just going to put on something more comfortable" you exclaim going upstairs to your room, throwing on some loose trousers and an extensively oversized jumper, which made you look small and cute, you put your long hair into a messy bun but left your simple make up as it was.

You return downstairs and offer him a cup of tea and make one for yourself, making microwave popcorn as you did so.  You finished the tea and took his to him "I'd ask you which film you'd want to watch but I think you'd pick something scary" you say simply.
Him replying "how about miracle in cell no.7" you shrugged having never seen it Before finding it and putting it on and going to grab your tea and popcorn.

You sit by him resting slightly on him as you both sipped your tea watching the film.

By nearly the end of the film you had finished the tea and the majority of the popcorn leaving the cups and bowls on the coffee table in front of the sofa. However the film had become sad and you'd both been brought to tears, you buried your face into His side crying gently. He wrapped his arm around you and rubbed his hand up and down your upper arm.

You had both ended up laying down cuddled together once the film was completely over. In each others loving, warm and comforting embrace that night you fell asleep together, each never wanting to let the other go.

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