Shownu ~ Monsta X

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Sickness. It had taken over your entire body and left you weak. You awoke in the warm loving arms of your boyfriend, him smelling of honey as you moved closer to him. Yet with your movements, you suddenly felt pain and even with your recent awakening could feel the sleep taking over already.

You had returned to a sleeping state as Shownu, your boyfriend of a year and a half awoke, he looked down at you, his eyes becoming bright with love as he sat up.

"Y/N" he called softly, careful to wake you up without being too rough about it. "It's time to get up"

As he said this, his hand cupped your cheek, which is when he realised how scorching hot it was. This made him worry.

"Y/N! Y/N!" He called louder than before, shaking you to try and aweken you, his whole body trembling from fear of you being hurt.

You hear his loud voice fill your ears causing you to groan "Shownu it's early what're you-" you were about to continue when you began coughing violently.

He sat you up "Y/N! Are you okay?!" His voice raised with this, worry spreading through his entire body.

Once your coughing had died down, you nodded laying your head on his chest, causing his arms to instinctively wrap around you. You sat together silently in that position, forgetting the world and just enjoying each others company.

"I think you're ill, we'll both have to call in sick from work" he sighed slightly and before you could reject his offer, continued "you can't say no, I'm staying here with you no matter what, someone's got to look after you and make sure you're okay"

You smiled coughing slightly as you cuddled closer to him "thank you" you whispered, voice barely audible.

He lifted you, laying you upright on the bed, adjusting the pillows with his free hand, obviously trying to show off his strength, which was incredible. As you sat on the bed, he went downstairs and soon came up with some medicine and toast for you.

"Eat this and take these, we don't know if you're sick, so we have to be careful" he smiled as you ate, tucking your hair behind your ear.

"No kissing, you'll get ill" he sighed by ignored this statement and leaned down kissing your forehead, resting his lips against it for a few seconds, before moving away and adjusting to blankets to keep you warm.

You sighed and took the tablets he had given you, staying there with your arms wide.

"What is it" he asked, confused as to what you wanted.

"Please just stick on some TV and cuddle me" you whined slightly stretching your arms further.

"I was getting to that baby" he laughed, his smile causing his eyes to close, making you smile too.

He puts your favourite show on the TV, before climbing onto the bed next to you, moving so you could rest your head on his chest. As you sat there, he began to play with your hair, obviously not interested in the TV. His eyes never left you, worry blatantly obvious on his face, covering each of his features.

You yawned before commenting "I'm fine Shownu, don't worry" with a small smile.

He nodded, and just as he was about to look up to the TV, your stomach became horrendously painful. His mouth formed a large 'o' shape as he lifted you gently, carrying you immediately to the bathroom.

Shownu having placed you on the floor in front of the toilet, you began throwing up the contents of your stomach, it mainly being acid. He just sat behind you and rubbed your back while holding your hair, unsure of what to say. So instead of asking how you were once you had finished begin sick, he simply wrapped his arms around you from behind and held on slightly tightly, while closing his eyes and resting his head on your back.

After this you didn't move, neither exchanged words, instead you just stayed there, content with having each other in your lives, never wanting either to end that.

Later on that day you had returned to bed, and Shownu had been forced to work. You were laid there watching TV, getting a text every second he could from your boyfriend, who was checking if you were okay. It was obvious he wasn't happy with leaving you home alone, especially with the knowledge of you being in the state you were.

It got worse however when you'd decided to fall asleep without telling him, leading to a spam of texts and calls asking why you weren't replying and if he needed to get back to you. The lack of replies to this, caused him to rush back home, explaining to his boss his fear for your safety.

As he returned home he ran upstairs and felt your forehead, as earlier you were burning up, however when he felt your arm, it was evidently freezing. The cold sensation caused him to strip his shirt and jumper and place those over your clothes, leaving him shirtless and caring for you.

He then proceeded to wake you up, calling your name and shaking you gently, as well as stealing a few kisses. With you becoming awake and aware of your surroundings, your mouth fell agape at the sight of your shirtless boyfriend in front of you, his toned muscular chest and abs exposed, as well as his muscular upper arms.

"I could get used to this" you joked, pulling him down for a cuddle, your illness having calmed with your rest.

"Are you feeling better then baby?" He asked, sitting beside you and pulling you close yet again.

Even with the promise you were feeling better, he still continued to worry. After all, he loved you.

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